fileThe Sonnets Disc 2

The Sonne Disc
  • WMA01 Musical Interlude.w789.61KB
  • WMA02 Sonnet 59- If There Be Nothing New But That Which Is.w446.82KB
  • WMA03 Sonnet 60- Like as the Wes ke Towards the Pebbled Shore.wma543.64KB
  • WMA04 Sonnet 61- Is It Thy Will Thy Ige Should Keep Open.wma549.50KB
  • WMA05 Sonnet 62- Sin of Self-Love Possesseth All Mine Eye.w496.69KB
  • WMA06 Sonnet 63- Against My Love Shall Be as I Am Now.w487.88KB
  • WMA07 Sonnet - When I He Seen by Time\s Fell Hand Defaced.w514.30KB
  • WMA08 Sonnet 65- Since Brass Nor Stone Nor Earth Nor Boundless Sea.w511.38KB
  • WMA09 Musical Interlude.w745.98KB
  • WMA10 Sonnet 66- Tired With All These For Restful Death I Cry.w523.10KB
  • WMA11 Sonnet 67- Ah Wherefore With Infection Should He Live.w517.23KB
  • WMA12 Sonnet 68- Thus Is His Cheek the p of Days Outworn.wma440.95KB
  • WMA13 Sonnet 69- Those Parts of Thee That the World\s Eye Doth View.w502.58KB
  • WMA14 Sonnet 70- That Thou Art Blamed Shall Not Be Thy Defect.w514.30KB
  • WMA15 Sonnet 71- No Longer Mourn for Me When I Am Dead.w473.22KB
  • WMA16 Sonnet 72- O Lest the World Should Task You to Recite.w484.96KB
  • WMA17 Musical Interlude.w998.27KB
  • WMA18 Sonnet 73- That Time of Year Thou yst in Me Behold.wma523.09KB
  • WMA19 Sonnet 74- But Be Contented When That Fell Arrest.w496.69KB
  • WMA20 Sonnet 75- So Are You to My Thoughts as Food to Life.w508.43KB
  • WMA21 Sonnet 76- Why Is My Verse So Barren of New Pride-.w514.29KB
  • WMA22 Sonnet 77- Thy Glass Will Show Thee How Thy Beauties Wear.w499.64KB
  • WMA23 Musical Interlude.w382.21KB
  • WMA24 Sonnet 78- So Oft He I Invoked Thee for My Muse.w520.16KB
  • WMA25 Sonnet 79- Whilst I Alone Did Call Upon Thy Aid.w490.82KB
  • WMA26 Sonnet 80- O How I Faint When I of You Do Write.w505.48KB
  • WMA27 Sonnet 81- Or I Shall Live Your Epitaph to ke.wma493.75KB
  • WMA28 Sonnet 82- I Grant Thou Wert Not rried to My Muse.wma467.35KB
  • WMA29 Sonnet 83- I Never Saw That You Did Painting Need.w464.42KB
  • WMA30 Sonnet 84- Who Is It That Says Most Which Can Say More.w508.43KB
  • WMA31 Sonnet 85- My Tongue-Tied Muse in nners Holds Her Still.wma555.37KB
  • WMA32 Sonnet 86- Was It the Proud Full Sail of His Great Verse.w473.23KB
  • WMA33 Musical Interlude.w789.98KB
  • WMA34 Sonnet 87- Farewell Thou Art Too Dear for My Possessing.w490.83KB
  • WMA35 Sonnet 88- When Thou Shalt Be Disposed to Set Me Light.w546.57KB
  • WMA36 Sonnet 89- Say That Thou Didst Forsake Me for Some Fault.w484.97KB
  • WMA37 Sonnet 90- Then Hate Me When Thou Wilt If Ever Now.w508.43KB
  • WMA38 Sonnet 91- Some Glory in Their Birth Some in Their Skill.w552.44KB
  • WMA39 Sonnet 92- But Do Thy Worst to Steal Thyself Away.w505.49KB
  • WMA40 Sonnet 93- So Shall I Live Supposing Thou Art True.w546.56KB
  • WMA41 Sonnet 94- They That He Pow\r to Hurt And Will Do None.w555.37KB
  • WMA42 Sonnet 95- How Sweet and Lovely Dost Thou ke the Shame.wma546.57KB
  • WMA43 Sonnet 96- Some Say Thy Fault Is Youth Some Wantonness.w549.50KB
  • WMA44 Musical Interlude.w511.29KB
  • WMA45 Sonnet 97- How Like a Winter Hath My Absence Been.w479.08KB
  • WMA46 Sonnet 98- From You He I Seen Absent in the Spring.w487.89KB
  • WMA47 Sonnet 99- The Forward Violet Thus Did I Chide.w520.15KB
  • WMA48 Sonnet 100- Where Art Thou Muse That Thou Forget\st So Long.w520.18KB
  • WMA49 Sonnet 101- O Truant Muse What Shall Be Thy Amends.w526.03KB
  • WMA50 Sonnet 102- My Love Is Strength\ned Though More Weak in Seeming.w496.72KB
  • WMA51 Sonnet 103- Alack What Poverty My Muse Brings Forth.w482.02KB
  • WMA52 Sonnet 104- To Me Fair Friend You Never Can Be Old.w561.23KB
  • WMA53 Musical Interlude.w734.25KB
  • WMA54 Sonnet 105- Let Not My Love Be Called Idolatry.w526.02KB
  • WMA55 Sonnet 106- When in the Cronicle of Wasted Time.w479.08KB
  • WMA56 Sonnet 107- Not Mine Own Fears Nor the Prophetic Soul.w558.30KB
  • WMA57 Sonnet 108- What\s in the Brain That Ink My Character.w482.03KB
  • WMA58 Sonnet 109- O Never Say That I Was False of Heart.w502.55KB
  • WMA59 Sonnet 110- Alas \Tis True I He Gone Here and There.w555.37KB
  • WMA60 Sonnet 111- O for My Sake Do You With Fortune Chide.w502.56KB
  • WMA61 Sonnet 112- Your Love and Pity Doth th\ Impression Fill.w511.37KB
  • WMA62 Musical Interlude.w622.77KB
Latest Search: 1.BNDV-00599   2.MXSPS-257   3.DKG-06   4.WNXG-012   5.NADE-873   6.DVDES-413   7.DFDA-079   8.HYAKU-006   9.DKSW-335   10.OKAS-075   11.EMAZ-179   12.FSET-277   13.RKI-084   14.DOKS-260   15.WNZ-233   16.DMBA-126   17.AXAQ-004   18.NOV-1327   19.MGDV-046   20.JFB-038   21.VEVE-002   22.HOBD-00010   23.IDBD-280   24.DMBI-008   25.NTD-043   26.GYAZ-088   27.MIBD-447   28.ONSD-565   29.ONSD-564   30.SOE-385   31.ONSD-716   32.ONSD-664   33.TYWD-016   34.MKCK-017   35.ONSD-610   36.DSE-908   37.ONSD-351   38.RKI-201   39.KYOM-001   40.ARMD-899   41.DSMN-006   42.VSPDS-607   43.BID-026   44.TCD-118   45.GNJD-010   46.KWBD-084   47.IBW-304   48.CRC-071   49.MMZD-034   50.NJBS-003   51.LHBY-057   52.NADE-228   53.HYRD-037   54.ALD-044   55.AKA-039   56.FAX-278   57.AOFR-029   58.DJNY-013   59.FE-240   60.SINO-318   61.BNDV-744   62.BNDV-827   63.MI-040   64.S-4064   65.KYBD-025   66.HWAZ-005   67.DSE-069   68.CJD-005   69.TOD-046   70.HLMY-009   71.00599   72.257   73.06   74.012   75.873   76.413   77.079   78.006   79.335   80.075   81.179   82.277   83.084   84.260   85.233   86.126   87.004   88.1327   89.046   90.038   91.002   92.00010   93.280   94.008   95.043   96.088   97.447   98.565   99.5   100.385   101.716   102.6   103.016   104.017   105.610   106.908   107.351   108.201   109.001   110.899   111.006   112.607   113.026   114.118   115.010   116.084   117.304   118.071   119.034   120.003   121.057   122.228   123.037   124.044   125.039   126.278   127.029   128.013   129.240   130.318   131.744   132.827   133.040   134.40   135.025   136.005   137.069   138.005   139.046   140.009