
CGSociety character design with Sze Jones
  • FLVWeek 10\\/1 -Camera position and settings.flv473.78MB
  • FLVWeek 10\\/2 - Light placement and setup.flv289.60MB
  • FLVWeek 10\\Assignments\\/001 - Setup Camera and Lights for shader tweaks and rendering.flv209.20MB
  • FLVWeek 11\\/1 - Sculpting Skin Pores details.flv323.12MB
  • MP4Week 11\\/2 - Creating production ready facial ology for production.mp4122.67MB
  • MP4Week 11\\/3 - Facial anatomy.mp4208.00MB
  • MP4Week 11\\/4 - Head modeling Eye eyelashes and teeth.mp4301.38MB
  • FLVWeek 11\\/5 - Artistic and ology evaluation.flv267.54MB
  • MP4Week 11\\Assignments\\/001 - Add skin pores details.mp4209.01MB
  • MP4Week 11\\Assignments\\/002 - Focus on sculptural and surface quality by using Zbrush techniques.mp4142.72MB
  • MP4Week 12\\/1 - Skin Tone and ke Up Techniques.mp4174.77MB
  • MP4Week 12\\/2 - Eyes and teeth texture painting and shader setup.mp4397.26MB
  • MP4Week 12\\Assignment\\/001 - Finalize skin eyes and teeth shader.mp4240.92MB
  • MP4Week 13\\/1 - Understand me< x> tal and cloth shaders\ parameters.mp4184.73MB
  • MP4Week 13\\/2 - How to adjust shaders to tch reference material.mp4397.26MB
  • MP4Week 13\\Assignment\\/001 - Setup leather cloth and me< x> tal shaders for armor and costume.mp4174.77MB
  • MP4Week 14\\/1 - Usage of tile-able texture.mp4185.33MB
  • MP4Week 14\\/2 - Photoshop techniques for me< x> tal and Fabric Texture.mp4491.70MB
  • MP4Week 14\\/3 - How to use textures in me< x> tal and cloth shader.mp4199.41MB
  • MP4Week 14\\Assignment\\/001 - Integrate texture ps and tune me< x> tal and cloth shaders for armor and costume.mp4283.33MB
  • MP4Week 15\\/1 - Hair design and styling.mp4122.67MB
  • MP4Week 15\\/2 - Building hair cap.mp4301.38MB
  • MP4Week 15\\/3 - Hair splines setup.mp4208.00MB
  • MP4Week 15\\/4 - Hair card UV layout and texture.mp4283.33MB
  • MP4Week 15\\Assignment\\/001 - Hair cap creation and hair splines styling submit for artistic and technical feedback.mp4166.02MB
  • FLVWeek 16\\/1 - Hair shader and hair strands color.flv203.15MB
  • MP4Week 16\\/2 - Hair card painting and arrangement.mp4314.62MB
  • MP4Week 16\\/3 - Alpha and transparency p painting and setup.mp4157.73MB
  • FLVWeek 16\\Assignment\\/001 - Hair cards creation Hair texturing and alpha transparency setup.flv239.68MB
  • AVIWeek 1\\/1 -Character Development - Brief desc< x> ription and story.i161.05MB
  • AVIWeek 1\\/2 - Designing and sketching out the concept on paper.i221.43MB
  • AVIWeek 1\\/3 - Hair Design.i751.03MB
  • AVIWeek 1\\/4 - Body Type and stylization.i219.94MB
  • FLVWeek 1\\/5 - Face Design.flv289.60MB
  • FLVWeek 1\\/6 - Costume and Armor Design.flv473.78MB
  • FLVWeek 1\\/7 - Defining goals and approach ba< x> sed on design.flv263.54MB
  • FLVWeek 1\\/8 - Color Palette.flv209.20MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\/1- Block out basic proportion using box modeling techniques.flv209.20MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\/2 - ology for production and sculptin.flv289.60MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\/3 - Poly modeling Techniques and approaches.flv473.78MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\/4 -Advance techniques for edge flow and ology editing.flv263.54MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\/5 - Artistic and Technical evaluation.flv221.13MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\Assignments\\/001 - Create ba< x> se mesh from scratch with desired body type and stylization.flv323.12MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\Assignments\\/002 - Learn effective ology for production and poly modeling techniques.flv267.54MB
  • FLVWeek 2\\Assignments\\/003 - Block out basic armor.flv218.34MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/01 - Muscular and bony landrks.flv239.68MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/02 - Zbrush Sculpting - Emphasis on Silhouette form and rhythm.flv203.15MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/03 - Sculpting Brushes and techniques.flv324.76MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/04 - Proportional & Stylization for various body type.flv226.80MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/05 - Armor ba< x> se Mesh Techniques and Creation.flv323.12MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\/06 - Artistic and Technical evaluation.flv267.54MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\Assignments\\/001 - Refine ba< x> se mesh by analyzing form and sculpting muscular and bony landrks.flv209.20MB
  • FLVWeek 3\\Assignments\\/002 - Learn how to sculpt form with rhythm solid forms and accurate silhouette with anatomy knowledge.flv218.34MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/1 - Approach for Iconic Head Design.flv209.20MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/2 - Creating production ready facial ology for production.flv289.60MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/3 - Facial proportion overview.flv473.78MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/4 - Facial planes and structure.flv263.54MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/5 - Eyelashes creation.flv221.13MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\/6 - Artistic and ology evaluation.flv239.68MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\Assignments\\/001 - Focus on Head Design study and revise head ology for facial defortion and ex< x> pressions.flv267.54MB
  • FLVWeek 4\\Assignments\\/002 - Block out locations of eyes eyelahses and teeth.flv218.34MB
  • MP4Week 5\\/1 - Ears nose and lips constructions.mp4198.62MB
  • MP4Week 5\\/2 - Define muscular and bony landrks.mp4209.01MB
  • MP4Week 5\\/3 Eyes eyelashes and teeth location block mesh.mp4142.72MB
  • MP4Week 5\\/5 - Sculptural and surface detail evaluation.mp4208.23MB
  • MP4Week 5\\Assignments\\/001 - Construction and detailing facial features.mp4302.86MB
  • MP4Week 5\\Assignments\\/002 - Block in eyes eyelashes and teeth location.mp4226.10MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/1 - Quick rig for posing character.mp4184.73MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/2 - Place joint location and proportion ba< x> sed on character design.mp4174.77MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/3 - Skin and adjust envelope for defortion.mp4397.26MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/4 - Dynamic pose for character.mp4240.92MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/5 - Rhythm and weight for posing.mp4198.62MB
  • MP4Week 6\\/6 - Artistic and ology evaluation.mp4209.01MB
  • MP4Week 6\\Assignments\\/001 - Rig and skin ba< x> se mesh.mp4142.72MB
  • MP4Week 6\\Assignments\\/002 - Create various dynamic poses for critique.mp4208.23MB
  • FLVWeek 7\\/1 - Blocking out basic form of armor and costume.flv289.60MB
  • FLVWeek 7\\/2 - Adding block in mesh to rig and pose.flv473.78MB
  • MP4Week 7\\/3 - How to improve silhouette design and function.mp4142.72MB
  • MP4Week 7\\/4 - Refine structure in Zbrush.mp4208.23MB
  • FLVWeek 7\\Assignments\\/001 - Block in armor and costume.flv209.20MB
  • MP4Week 7\\Assignments\\/002 - Improve form silhouette and function ba< x> sed on initial character concept design.mp4209.01MB
  • MP4Week 8\\/1 - Understanding wrinkles and folds.mp4122.67MB
  • MP4Week 8\\/2 - king me< x> tal details and scratches.mp4301.38MB
  • MP4Week 8\\/3 - Adding details Stitch surface texture and terial call outs.mp4208.00MB
  • MP4Week 8\\Assignments\\/001 - Refine and finalize armor and costume modeling and sculpting.mp4166.02MB
  • MP4Week 9\\/1 - Technical Aspects of UV Page.mp4199.41MB
  • MP4Week 9\\/2 - Methods and Approach.mp4283.33MB
  • MP4Week 9\\/3 - UV Grouping for terial setup and Texture.mp4314.62MB
  • MP4Week 9\\Assignments\\/001 - Prepare and divide UV layout sheets for ba< x> se mesh armor and costume.mp4157.73MB
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