
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
  • DJVUAddison, Paul S. - Fractals and chaos_an illustrated course (IOP, 1997)(306s).djvu4.90MB
  • DJVUAfraimovich & Hsu - Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems (AMS, 2003)(182s).djvu7.40MB
  • PDFAlligood K.T., Yorke J.A, T.D.Sauer - Chaos_An Introduction to Dynamical Systems(Springer,2000).pdf7.05MB
  • PDFAntoniou I., Misra B., Suchanecki Z. - Time Operator, Innovation and Complexity.pdf904.57KB
  • DJVUArgyris J., Faust G., Haase M. - An Exploration of Chaos (North-Holland, 1994)(756s).djvu7.74MB
  • DJVUArrowith D.K., Place C.M. - Dynamical systems (Chapn & Hall, 1992)(170s).djvu6.15MB
  • DJVUBaladi V. - Positive transfer operators and decay of correlations (WS, 2000)(1s).djvu2.31MB
  • DJVUBalazs & Voros - Chaos on the pseudosphere (PR143, 1986)(132s).djvu1.57MB
  • PDFBar-Yam,Yaneer - Dynamics of a Complex System (1997).pdf8.04MB
  • DJVUBarrow, John D. - Chaotic behior in general relativity (1982)(49s).djvu1.83MB
  • DJVUBeardon A.F. - Iteration of rational functions (Springer, 2000)(296s).djvu1.90MB
  • PDFBenettin, Henrard, Kuksin - Hamiltonian dynamics_theory and applications (Springer, 2005)(188s).pdf2.23MB
  • PDFBhatia, N.P. & Szego G.P. - Dynamical Systems_Stability Theory and Applications (1967).pdf13.15MB
  • DJVUBirkhoff, George D. - Dynamical systems (AMS, 1927)(316s).djvu6.81MB
  • DJVUBlaszak M. - Multi-Hamiltonian theory of dynamical systems (Springer, 1998)(352s).djvu1.65MB
  • PDFBoccara N. - Modeling complex systems (Springer, 2004)(410s).pdf7.97MB
  • PDFBolsinov, Fomenko - Integrable Hamiltonian systems (CRC, 2004)(724s).pdf5.61MB
  • DJVUBonatti C., Diaz L.J., Viana M. - Dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity (Springer, 2005)(390s).djvu3.13MB
  • DJVUBrin M., Stuck G. - Introduction to dynamical systems (CUP, 2003)(250s).djvu1.75MB
  • DJVUCalogero F. - Classical ny-body problems amenable to exact treatments (Springer, 2001)(760s).djvu6.19MB
  • DJVUCarleson L., Gamelin T.W. - Complex dynamics (Springer, 1992)(178s).djvu1.61MB
  • DJVChirikov B.V. - A universal instability of ny-dimensional oscillator systems (PR 52, 1979)(117s).djv1.45MB
  • DJVUChow S.-N., et al. - Dynamical systems (Cetraro lectures, Springer, 2003)(361s).djvu2.23MB
  • PDFChristiansen P., Sorensen M., Scott A. (eds.) - Nonlinear science at the dawn of the 21st century.pdf6.09MB
  • PDFChueshov I.D. - Introduction to infinite-dimensional dynamical and dissipative systems 2002 (419s).pdf2.53MB
  • DJVUCicogna & Garta -.Symmetry and perturbation theory in nonlinear dynamics (1999)(219s).djvu3.20MB
  • PDFConte R., gri F., Musette M., Satsuma J, and Winternitz P. Direct and Inverse Methods in Nonlinear Evolution Equations.pdf1.23MB
  • DJVCortes Monforte J. - Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of Nonholonomic Systems.djv1.15MB
  • PDFCrauel H., M.Gundlach - Stochastic Dynamics (Springer,1999)(457s).pdf8.79MB
  • DJVUCrawford, John Did - Introduction to bifurcation theory (RMP63, 1991)(47s).djvu1009.85KB
  • DJVDevaney R.L. - Introduction to chaotic dynamical systems (2ed.1989).djv3.73MB
  • PDFDolotin, Morozov - The Uinversal ndelbrot set, begining of the story (2006)(175s).pdf7.76MB
  • PDFEfstathiou K. - Metamorphoses of Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetries (Springer,2005)(152s).pdf2.11MB
  • PDFElskens Y., F.Elscande. - Microscopic Dynamics of Plaas and Chaos (2002)(327s).pdf2.86MB
  • DJVUFordy & Wood. (eds.) - Harmonic ps and integrable systems (1994)(316s).djvu2.32MB
  • PDFGarnett P. Williams - Chaos Theory Tamed.pdf16.58MB
  • DJVUGiannoni et al (eds) - Chaos and Quantum Physics (Les Houches).djvu12.96MB
  • PDFGilmore R. - ological analysis of dynamical systems (RMP 70, 1998)(75s).pdf1.20MB
  • PDFGramticos B., Koann-Schwarzbach Y., Tamizhmani T. (eds.) - Discrete integrable systems (2004).pdf2.79MB
  • PDFGross, Claudius - Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems (2008).pdf7.15MB
  • DJVUGutzwiller M. - Chaos in classical and quantum mechanics (Springer 1990)(448s).djvu4.85MB
  • DJVUHaake Fritz - Quantum Signatures of Chaos (2001).djvu3.74MB
  • DJVHaken H. - Infortion and Self-Organization (2ed., Springer, 2000).djv2.00MB
  • DJVUHaken H. - Synergetics_an introduction (Springer, 1977)(340s).djvu3.11MB
  • DJVUHale J.K., Kocak H.- Dynamics and bifurcations (Springer, 1991)(291s).djvu10.47MB
  • DJVUHaller G. - Chaos Near Resonance (Springer, 1999)(446s).djvu4.12MB
  • PDFHelmke, Uwe & Moore, John - Optimization and dynamical systems (1996).pdf2.79MB
  • DJVUHilborn R.C. - Chaos and nonlinear dynamics (2ed., Oxford)(654s).djvu5.68MB
  • PDFHirsch M W , ale S , Devaney R L - Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, And An Introduction To Chaos (2004, 432S).pdf3.19MB
  • DJVUHirsch, ale - Differential Equations, Dynamical systems and Linear algebra.djvu3.03MB
  • PDFHirsch, ale, Devaney - Differential Equations Dynamical Systems Introduction to Chaos (2e) 2004.pdf3.17MB
  • DJVHogan J., et al. (eds.) - Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos_Where Do We Go From Here (IOP, 2003)(365p).djv3.97MB
  • DJVHolmes P., Lumley J., Berkooz G. - Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry (CUP 1998).djv4.26MB
  • PDFHoppensteadt F.C. - Analysis and simulations of chaotic systems (2ed., Springer, 2000)(331s).pdf3.67MB
  • DJVUHorton W., Ichikawa Y.-H. - Chaos and structures in nonlinear plaas (349s).djvu4.23MB
  • DJVInfeld E., Rowlands G. - Nonlinear wes, solitons and chaos (CUP, 1990).djv4.58MB
  • DJVJensen H.J. - Self-Organized Criticality_Emergent Complex Behior in Physical and Biological Systems (1998).djv1.10MB
  • PDFJurgen Jost - Dynamical Systems_Examples of Complex Behiour (2005).pdf2.26MB
  • DJVKapitaniak T., S.Bishop - Dictionary of Nonlinear Dynamics (Wiley,1999)(277s).djv2.01MB
  • DJVUKastrup H.A. - Canonical theories of Lagrangian dynamical systems in physics (1983)(167s).djvu1.34MB
  • DJVUKitchens, Bruce K. - Symbolic dynamics, one-sided two-sided and countable state rkov shifts 1997.djvu2.68MB
  • PDFKoann-Schwarzbach Y., Gramticos B., Tamizhmani K.M. (eds.) - Integrability of Nonlinear Systems.pdf1.51MB
  • DJVUKupershmidt, Boris A. - The variational principles of dynamics (1992).djvu1.93MB
  • PDFKuznetsov Yu.A. - Elements of applied bifurcation theory (2ed, Springer, 1998)(614s).pdf4.36MB
  • DJVULasota A., ckey M.C. - Probabilistic properties of deterministic systems (CUP, 1985)(368s).djvu2.84MB
  • DJVULee T.D. & Pang Y. - Nonological solitons (PR221, 1992)(100s).djvu979.14KB
  • DJVULibern P., Marle C.-M. - Symplectic geometry and analytical mechanics (D. Reidel, 1987)(541s).djvu4.70MB
  • DJVULuenberger D.G. - Introduction to dynamic systems (Wiley, 1979)(460s).djvu3.45MB
  • PDFnneville, Paul - Instabilities, Chaos and Turbulence (Imperial, 2004).pdf17.07MB
  • DJVUtveev V.B., Salle M.A. - Darboux transformations and solitons (Springer, 1991)(128s).djvu1.25MB
  • PDFMedio A., M.Lines. - Non-linear Dynamics.. A Primer (CUP,2001)(309s).pdf1.45MB
  • DJVMichel A.N., Wang K., Hu B. - Qualitative theory of dynamical systems.. stability-preserving ppings.djv3.65MB
  • DJVMiwa T., Jimbo M., Date E. - Solitons_Differential equations, symmetries, and infinite-dimensional algebras.djv966.43KB
  • DJVUMohsen Razy - Classical and Quantum Dissipative Systems (2005).djvu941.30KB
  • PDFMortveit, Reidys - introduction to sequential dynamical systems (universitext) 2008.pdf4.63MB
  • DJVUMullin T. (ed.) - The nature of chaos (Oxford, 1993)(170s).djvu5.78MB
  • DJVNagashi H., Baba Y. - Introduction to chaos.. physics and mathematics of chaotic phenomena (IOP, 1999).djv1.47MB
  • DJVUNakamura, Katsuhiro - Quantum Chaos_A New Paradigm of Nonlinear Dynamics (CUP 1993).djvu1.97MB
  • PDFNakamura, Katsuhiro - Quantum Versus Chaos_Questions from mesoscopy.pdf6.12MB
  • DJVNicolis G. - Introduction to nonlinear science (Cambridge University Press, 1995).djv3.15MB
  • DJVNonlinear and turbulent processes in physics (vol.1, Proc. workshop, Kiev, 1987)(355s).djv17.59MB
  • DJVOlshanetsky M.A., Perelomov A.M. - Classical integrable finite-dimensional systems related to Lie algebras.djv797.68KB
  • DJVOlshanetsky M.A., Perelomov A.M. - Quantum integrable systems related to Lie algebras (PR94, 1983).djv753.65KB
  • DJVUOtt E. - Chaos in dynamical systems (CUP, 1994)(395s).djvu4.93MB
  • DJVUPilgrim, Kevin M. - Combinations of complex dynamical systems (Springer, 2003)(121s).djvu780.88KB
  • PDFPlanat M. (ed.) - se, Oscillators and Algebraic Randomness (Proc. Chapelle des Bois).pdf2.72MB
  • PDFPollicott M., Yuri M. - Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (web version, CUP, 1998)(194s).pdf1.65MB
  • DJVPrigogine I., Nicolis G. - Self-Organization In Non-Equilibrium Systems (Wiley, 1977)(504s).djv3.24MB
  • DJVURugh W.J. - Nonlinear system theory_the Volterra-Wiener approach (1981)(338s).djvu1.73MB
  • PDFSachdev P.L. - Self-similarity and beyond._exact solutions of nonlinear problems (CRC, 2000).pdf1.93MB
  • DJVUSanders, Verhulst - eraging methods in nonlinear dynamical systems (Springer, 1985)(128s).djvu2.49MB
  • DJVUScheinern E.R. - Invitation to Dynamical Systems (PH 1995)(388s).djvu2.90MB
  • DJVSchinsky-Geier L., Poeschel T. (eds.) - Stochastic dynamics (Springer, 1996).djv4.53MB
  • PDFSchuster H.G. - Deterministic Chaos_An Introduction (Wiley-VCH,2004)(299s).pdf6.56MB
  • PDFScott Alwyn - The Nonlinear Universe_ Chaos, Emergence, Life (2007).pdf9.41MB
  • PDFSengupta A. - Chaos, Nonlinearity, Complexity (2006).pdf9.00MB
  • PDFSiburg K.F. - The principle of least action in geometry and dynamics (Springe, 2004)(134s).pdf888.04KB
  • DJVSitenko, Zaharov, Chernousenko. (eds.) - Nonlinear world. Proc. IV Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics.djv11.42MB
  • DJVUith P.- Explaining chaos (CUP, 1998)(201s).djvu1.65MB
  • DJVSokolovskiy M.A., Verron J. - Four-vortex motion in the two layer approxition - integrable case.djv285.35KB
  • DJVSparrow C. - The Lorenz Equations. Bifurcations, Chaos, and Strange Attractors ( 41, 1982).djv1.84MB
  • DJVUStrogatz S.H. - Nonlinear Dynamics And Chaos (Perseus, 1994)(505s).djvu3.72MB
  • DJVSulem C., Sulem P-L. - The nonlinear Schroedinger equation.. self-focusing and we collapse (1999).djv2.12MB
  • DJVUTem R. - Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems (Springer 1993)(650s).djvu5.85MB
  • PDFWard Thos - Valuations and Hyperbolicity in Dynamics (2001).pdf559.08KB
  • DJVUWiggins S. - Chaotic Transport in Dynamical Systems (Springer, 1992)(305s).djvu2.65MB
  • DJVWiggins S. - Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (Springer, 1996).djv4.75MB
  • DJVUZakharov V.E. (ed.) - What is integrability (Springer, 1992)(167s).djvu3.32MB
  • DJVUZhidkov P.E. - Korteweg-de Vries and nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Springer, 2001)(152s).djvu1.62MB
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