
Udemy AWS Ceried Solutions Architect Associate 2018 Ryan Kroonenburg
  • MP4Section 01 Introduction To The Course\\/001. Introduction _ Overview 2018.mp459.69MB
  • MP4Section 01 Introduction To The Course\\/002. Getting Started - What You\ll Need!.mp423.69MB
  • MP4Section 01 Introduction To The Course\\/003. The Exam Blue Print.mp414.14MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/004. The History Of AWS So Far.mp426.55MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/005. AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 1.mp421.72MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/006. AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 2.mp439.15MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/007. AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 3.mp437.76MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/008. AWS - 10000 Foot Overview Part 4.mp444.44MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/009. Don_t Freak Out!.mp410.93MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/010. AWS This Week.mp426.36MB
  • MP4Section 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/011. Sign Up To AWS Free Tier.mp47.38MB
  • ZIPSection 02 AWS - 10000 Feet Overview\\/Quiz1.zip781.21KB
  • MP4Section 03 Identity Access nagement (IAM)\\/012. IAM 101.mp47.25MB
  • MP4Section 03 Identity Access nagement (IAM)\\/013. IAM - Lab.mp446.34MB
  • MP4Section 03 Identity Access nagement (IAM)\\/014. Create A Billing Alarm - Lab.mp416.64MB
  • MP4Section 03 Identity Access nagement (IAM)\\/015. IAM Summary.mp417.62MB
  • ZIPSection 03 Identity Access nagement (IAM)\\/Quiz2.zip625.85KB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/016. S3 - 101.mp468.60MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/017. Create an S3 Bucket - Lab.mp435.99MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/018. Version Control - Lab.mp421.81MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/019. Cross Region Replication.mp438.37MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/020. Lifecycle nagement _ Glacier - Lab.mp472.40MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/021. CloudFront CDN Overview.mp434.70MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/022. Create a CloudFront CDN - Lab.mp455.24MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/023. S3 - Security _ Encryption.mp413.37MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/024. Storage Gateway.mp432.57MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/025. Snowball.mp444.46MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/026. Snowball - Lab.mp440.66MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/027. S3 Transfer Acceleration.mp413.71MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/028. Create A Static Website Using S3.mp416.00MB
  • MP4Section 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/029. S3 Sumry.mp436.11MB
  • ZIPSection 04 AWS ob<x>ject Storage and CDN - S3 Glacier and CloudFront\\/Quiz3.zip863.43KB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/030. EC2 101 - Part 1.mp436.13MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/031. EC2 101 - Part 2.mp428.89MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/032. Let_s Get Our Hands Dirty! Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 1.mp493.70MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/033. Let_s Get Our Hands Dirty! Launch An EC2 Instance - Part 2.mp460.81MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/034. How To Use Putty (Windows Users Only).mp445.20MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/035. Security Groups Basics.mp467.59MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/036. Upgrading EBS Volume Types - Lab.mp436.21MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/037. Creating a Windows EC2 Instance _ RAID Group.mp467.86MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/038. Create An AMI - Lab.mp445.95MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/039. AMI_s - EBS Root Volumes vs Instance Store.mp439.93MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/040. Load Balancers _ Health Checks.mp477.40MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/041. Cloud Watch EC2.mp442.68MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/042. The AWS Comnd Line & EC2.mp441.27MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/043. Using IAM roles with EC2.mp424.17MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/044. S3 CLI & Regions.mp424.05MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/045. Using Bootstrap sc<x>ripts.mp443.32MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/046. EC2 Instance me<x>tadata.mp420.09MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/047. Autoscaling 101 - Lab.mp459.81MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/048. EC2 Placement Groups - An Exam Must Know!.mp413.78MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/049. EFS - Concepts & Lab.mp465.78MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/050. Lambda - Concepts.mp440.26MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/051. Build A Serverless Webpage.mp431.94MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/052. Using Polly To Help You Pass Your Exam - A Serverless Approach - Part 1.mp437.27MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/053. Using Polly To Help You Pass Your Exam - A Serverless Approach - Part 2.mp414.81MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/054. Build An Alexa Skill.mp456.57MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/055. Guru Of The Week.mp426.50MB
  • MP4Section 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/056. EC2 Sumry.mp435.82MB
  • ZIPSection 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/Quiz4.zip241.17KB
  • PDFSection 05 EC2 - The Backbone of AWS\\/Win2016-supplemental-steps.pdf2.45MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/057. DNS 101.mp431.73MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/058. Route 53 - Register A Doin Name - Lab.mp419.06MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/059. Setup Our EC2 Instances - Lab.mp439.13MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/060. Simple Routing Policy - Lab.mp419.23MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/061. Weighted Routing Policy - Lab.mp417.80MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/062. Latency Routing Policy - Lab.mp418.64MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/063. Failover Routing Policy - Lab.mp438.95MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/0. Geolocation Routing Policy - Lab.mp418.91MB
  • MP4Section 06 Route53\\/065. DNS Exam Tips.mp411.40MB
  • ZIPSection 06 Route53\\/Quiz5.zip136.93KB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/066. Databa<x>ses 101.mp425.81MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/067. Launching an RDS Instance - Lab.mp433.12MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/068. RDS - Backups Multi-AZ & Read Replicas.mp440.01MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/069. DynamoDB.mp436.58MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/070. RedShift.mp434.96MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/071. Elasticache.mp416.04MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/072. Aurora.mp449.08MB
  • MP4Section 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/073. Databa<x>ses Sumry.mp420.37MB
  • ZIPSection 07 Databa<x>ses on AWS\\/Quiz6.zip271.74KB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/074. Introduction & Overview.mp428.83MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/075. Build Your Own Custom VPC - Part 1.mp444.45MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/076. Build Your Own Custom VPC - Part 2.mp412.42MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/077. Network Address Translation (NAT).mp437.34MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/078. Network Access Control Lists vs Security Groups.mp436.39MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/079. Custom VPC\s and ELBs.mp46.55MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/080. VPC Flow Logs.mp411.68MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/081. NATs vs Bastions.mp431.21MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/082. VPC End Points.mp416.27MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/083. VPC Clean Up.mp49.34MB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/084. Sumry.mp417.79MB
  • ZIPSection 08 VPC\\/Quiz7.zip156.17KB
  • MP4Section 08 VPC\\/S5-L1-VPC-Introduction-Associates.mp4317.90MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/085. SQS.mp425.51MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/086. SWF.mp428.73MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/087. SNS.mp429.19MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/088. Elastic Transcoder.mp47.57MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/089. API Gateway.mp419.94MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/090. Kinesis 101.mp436.19MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/091. Kinesis - Lab.mp427.93MB
  • MP4Section 09 Application Services\\/092. Application Services Sumry.mp420.72MB
  • ZIPSection 09 Application Services\\/Quiz8.zip252.80KB
  • TMPSection 09 Application Services\\/b81fe01a-5128-4f7a-83ba-48daede27245.tmp22.65MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/093. Getting Setup.mp435.35MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/094. Setting Up EC2.mp447.98MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/095. Adding Resilience And Cloud Front.mp457.60MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/096. Setting Up Our AMI\s.mp458.47MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/097. Configuring Autoscaling & Load Testing.mp444.23MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/098. CloudFortion!.mp428.82MB
  • MP4Section 10 The Real World - Creating a fault tolerant Word Press Site\\/099. Want To Be A Real Solutions Architect - You Need To Know CloudFortion!.mp412.70MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/100. Overview of Azon Web Services.mp424.10MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/101. Overview of Security Processes - Part 1.mp478.46MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/102. Overview of Security Processes - Part 2.mp444.26MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/103. AWS Risk & Compliance.mp427.11MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/104. Storage Options In The Cloud.mp440.53MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/105. Architecting For The AWS Cloud - Best Practices.mp447.02MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/106. Exam Practicalities.mp410.85MB
  • MP4Section 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/L6-Exam-Practicalities-Copy.mp430.30MB
  • ZIPSection 11 Preparing for the Exam - White Paper Reviews\\/Quiz9.zip1.31MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/107. Introduction To The Well Architected fr<x>amework.mp414.66MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/108. Pillar One - Security.mp462.48MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/109. Pillar Two - Reliability.mp422.04MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/110. Pillar Three - Perfornce Efficiency.mp470.15MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/111. Pillar Four - Cost Optimization.mp460.42MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/112. Pillar Five - Operational Excellence.mp430.92MB
  • MP4Section 12 The Well Architected fr<x>amework\\/113. Sumry of The Well Architected fr<x>amework.mp419.10MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/. Exam Tips - ba<x>sed On Student Feedback.mp441.98MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/115. Consolidated Billing.mp416.10MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/116. AWS Organizations Lab.mp414.77MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/117. Cross Account Access.mp449.91MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/118. Resource Groups & Tagging.mp438.75MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/119. VPC Peering.mp417.35MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/120. Direct Connect.mp416.80MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/121. Security Token Service.mp417.73MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/122. Active Directory Integration.mp417.84MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/123. Workspaces.mp418.70MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/124. ECS - Part 1 - What Is Docker.mp425.49MB
  • MP4Section 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/125. ECS - Part 2 - What Is ECS.mp425.18MB
  • ZIPSection 13 Additional Exam Tips\\/Quiz10.zip1.12MB
  • MP4Section 14 Thank You Good Luck & Coming Soon!\\/126. Thank You To All My Students!.mp430.19MB
  • ZIPSection 14 Thank You Good Luck & Coming Soon!\\/Quiz11.zip703.63KB
  • ZIPSection 14 Thank You Good Luck & Coming Soon!\\/Quiz12.zip1.51MB
  • ZIPSection 14 Thank You Good Luck & Coming Soon!\\/Quiz13.zip3.58MB
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