
theses classics
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  • PDFAmirthanayagam 1998 The dance of the Muses.pdf9.36MB
  • PDFBachvarova 2002 From Hittite to Homer - the Role of Anatolians in the Tranission of Epic.pdf12.32MB
  • PDFBagwell 2010 A Study Of Plato’s Cratylus.pdf1.82MB
  • PDFBell 1994 Spectacular power in the ancient city.pdf14.87MB
  • PDFBlackwood 2009 The Activity of the Unrecognizable in Book XIII of Homer s Odyssey.pdf1.06MB
  • PDFBrelinski 2008 Narrative Patterns in the Odyssey - Repetition and the Creation of Meaning.pdf2.87MB
  • PDFBuchan 2006 Self as cipher - language and identity in Homer.pdf11.30MB
  • PDFBurgess 1995 The death of Achilles in the Iliad.pdf15.75MB
  • PDFBurns 1999 Import consumption in the bronze age Argolid - effects of mediterranean trade on Mycenaean society.pdf15.11MB
  • PDFCook 2011 A Poet’s Request - Text And Subtext In Horace’s Odes 1.1.pdf1.47MB
  • PDFCoviello Ana Lucia 2005 La sátira rona - género de fronteras y antitexto en Horacio y Persio.pdf1.24MB
  • PDFDe Decker 2009 Dolos in Homer - an Analysis of the Meaning and Context.pdf2.41MB
  • PDFDobrov 1988 Winged words : graphic birds - the Arishanic comedy of languague.pdf9.50MB
  • PDFFisher 2006 Reinventing Epic - Traditional Poetry and the Annales of Quintus Ennius.pdf1.21MB
  • PDFFontaine 1998 The sophisticated ΠΑΡΑ ΠΡΟΣΔΟΚΙΑΝ in Plautus.pdf7.44MB
  • PDFFrazier 2006 Accent in Proto-Indo-European Athetic Nouns - Antifaithfulness in Inflectional Paradigms.pdf656.14KB
  • PDFGiegengack 1970 Significant names in rtial.pdf5.40MB
  • PDFGini 1989 Philosophy and word-play in the epistles of Horace.pdf6.21MB
  • PDFHaller 2007 Landscape Description In Homer’s Odyssey.pdf3.17MB
  • PDFHisch 2010 No Longer Νήπιος - The turation of Telemachos in Homer‘s Odyssey.pdf1.88MB
  • PDFHofmeister 1984 Generations of men - the import of homeric genealogy.pdf7.92MB
  • PDFHolmes 1990 Character naming in Arishanes.pdf7.31MB
  • PDFKleps 2009 Archai And Orality In Homeric Syntax.pdf4.01MB
  • PDFLevin 1993 Words sentic constitution as a huide to reality - the Cratylus reconsidered.pdf17.09MB
  • PDFLiu 2010 The Motif of Fate in Homeric Epics and Oedipus Tyrannus.pdf547.09KB
  • PDFLoney 2010 Narrative Revenge And The Poetics Of Justice In The Odyssey - A Study On Tisis.pdf3.21MB
  • PDFcLachlan 1987 Charis in early greek poetry.pdf10.27MB
  • PDFrk 2000 Homeric seafaring.pdf9.81MB
  • PDFMercado 2006 The Latin Saturnian and Italic Verse.pdf12.15MB
  • PDFMicheelsen 2002 The Poetry of Death - an Examination of the Language and Concepts in the Articulation of Death in the Iliad.pdf18.51MB
  • PDFMitchell 2006 Aural Iliad - Alexandrian perfornces of an archaic text.pdf11.83MB
  • PDFPerry 2010 Exile in Homeric Epic.pdf1.00MB
  • PDFPowell 1988 Homeric hapax legomena and other infrequent words.pdf14.69MB
  • PDFRobbins 2004 Framing Achilles - Narrative Space in Iliad.pdf6.15MB
  • PDFRoss 2001 - Gaia, Ethnos, Demos - Land Leadership and Community in Early Archaic Greece.pdf12.34MB
  • PDFSammons 2007 Homeric Catalogue - Tradition, Paradigm and Limits of Narrativity.pdf13.54MB
  • PDFSeward 1991 Divine disguise in Homer s Iliad.pdf9.14MB
  • PDFSherpe 2011 The Power of Prayer - Religious Dialogue in Vergil’s Aeneid.pdf797.79KB
  • PDFStevens 2005 The origin of language in greek and ron thought.pdf39.28MB
  • PDFUsher 1997 Homeric Stitchings - a New Text and Interpretation of the Homeric Centos.pdf10.52MB
  • PDFVart 2009 Early Greek Kingship.pdf1.77MB
  • PDFVergados 2007 A Commentary on the Homeric Hymn to Hermes.pdf15.45MB
  • PDFWhitney 1994 Contact between mortals and gods in the Iliad.pdf5.82MB
  • PDFde Boo 2001 Ὁ θεὸς πλάττων - Puns on Platos name in the Republic.pdf7.87MB
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