
Belle HDVD Rips i
  • AVIBelle.HDVD-Rips.i703.95MB
  • ZIPbuilding-multi-client-end-to-end-service-oriented-applications.zip88.50MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting11.Writing The Unattended Process.wmv17.53MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 203.Adding Security to A Service.wmv17.40MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 109.The Account Controller Setup.wmv16.97MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 207.Writing The Registration Ciew Using SPA-Style.wmv16.73MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 210.Servre-Validating All Three Steps.wmv16.36MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)12.Repository Usage and Mocking.wmv15.99MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 210.Finishing The Rental Service.wmv15.80MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 209.Adding The Authorization Check.wmv15.67MB
  • WMV13.Car Setup for Push-State.wmv15.05MB
  • WMV10.Client Access03.Setting up The Client-Side Contracts.wmv14.91MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)18.Custom DTOs.wmv14.81MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 202.Setting up An API Controller.wmv14.68MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 111.The Rest of The Login View.wmv14.67MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part .Setting up The Business Engine for DI.wmv14.49MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 206.Setting up The Registration Models and Initial View.wmv14.49MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core17.Implementing Validation.wmv14.39MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 316.king The Actual Reservation.wmv14.24MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 212.Test Run and Recap.wmv14.06MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 221.Unit Testing The Viewmodel.wmv13.69MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 213.Testing The Business Engine.wmv13.57MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 203.Finishing up The Login Viewmodel Function.wmv13.18MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)09.Custom Methods & Repository Interface with DI Setup.wmv13.18MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core10.Event Declaration to oid Duplicate Subscribers.wmv12.96MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)11.Setting up A Test Client Class to use DI.wmv12.94MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 105.Fully Implementing The First Operation.wmv12.74MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 104.Descng The Layout View.wmv12.69MB
  • WMV16.Conclusion & vNext01.Course Recap with vNext Sumry and Farewell Surprise.wmv12.62MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 108.The nager Base Class.wmv12.45MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)08.CRUD Implementation in The Account Repository.wmv12.36MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core13.Refactoring Oect Walk for Reusability.wmv12.32MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 209.Client-Validating All Three Steps.wmv12.30MB
  • WMV12.Car The Login REST API Call.wmv12.20MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 110.Setting up The Login View and The Knockout Model.wmv12.09MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 215.Updating Rhe XAML to Account for Car Editing.wmv12.05MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 110.Adding CRUD Operations and Transactions.wmv11.90MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 219.Finishing The Viewmodel with Delete and Exception Handling.wmv11.85MB
  • WMV07.Services Service Contract.wmv11.82MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting09.Testing Service Connectivity.wmv11.62MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)05.Adding ORM Rules.wmv11.50MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)07.Core Base Classes & Interfaces.wmv11.31MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 103.Basic Structure and in View-App Config and MEF Bootstrapping.wmv11.29MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)10.The Rest of The Data Repositories.wmv11.25MB
  • WMV10.Client Access04.Writing The Basic Client Proxies.wmv11.15MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 109.Setting up The Tab Panel.wmv11.07MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 207.Retrieving Call User from SOAP Header.wmv10.98MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 315.Showing The List of ailable Cars.wmv10.98MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 214.Updating The Parent Viewmodel with Updated Car.wmv10.93MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 107.Creating The Skeleton for The Four Viewmodels.wmv10.61MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database06.The Architecture - Reasons & Goals.wmv10.52MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core12.Oect-Graph Walking and Dirty States.wmv10.28MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 220.Wiring and Unwiring Viewmodel Events.wmv10.20MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 104.Setting up The Inventory Service.wmv10.16MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 112.Checking Validation Rules and Reporting Them.wmv10.04MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 214.Testing The nager.wmv10.00MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 212.Wrapping up with The Account nager.wmv9.96MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database05.The Architecture - Walkthrough.wmv9.80MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 304.Finishing The Pattern Implementation.wmv9.65MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting14.Other Hosting Options.wmv9.65MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)04.Setting up The ORM.wmv9.55MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 203.Solving Deterministic Viewmodel Initialization.wmv9.50MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 211.Finishing The Car Rental Engine.wmv9.50MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 102.Service Contracts and Services Overview.wmv9.48MB
  • WMV02.Demo of A Service Oriented Appication03.Software Configuration nagement.wmv9.40MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 313.Pattern for Closing Proxies After Use.wmv9.31MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 106.-Bar View Description.wmv9.23MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)17.Repository Factory Usage and Mocking.wmv9.22MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting05.Reporting Hosting to Console.wmv9.12MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting04.Configuring The Inventory Service Host.wmv9.10MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 113.Setting up A Business Engine.wmv8.97MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 309.Writing The First View-Mode.wmv8.92MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 206.Setting up More XAML and Running The App So Far.wmv8.92MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 205.Testing The Login Section of The Site.wmv8.91MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 107.Setting Service Characteristics.wmv8.83MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 106.Implementing A more Complex Operation.wmv8.81MB
  • WMV03.SOA & Technology03.Characteristics of A Service.wmv8.79MB
  • WMV10.Client Access07.Adding User Name to The Soap Header in A Proxy Class.wmv8.78MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 111.Adding A Multi-Data and Behior Operation.wmv8.66MB
  • WMV11.Car Bootstrapping and The Dependency Resolver.wmv8.65MB
  • WMV10.Client Access12.Proxy Obtainment Unit Tests.wmv8.55MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core04.Data Contract Equivalency.wmv8.43MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core15.The Rest of The Client Entities.wmv8.43MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 205.Setting up The Rental Service.wmv8.41MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting07.Binding Configurations.wmv8.40MB
  • WMV12.Car The Account Creation Process.wmv8.25MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 202.Demonstrating View and Viewmodel Initialization Points.wmv8.06MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core06.Business Entity Account Ownership.wmv8.05MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 105.General Jascript Definitions and Their Location.wmv8.05MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 110.Setting up The Data Templates.wmv7.98MB
  • WMV13.Car Authorization.wmv7.91MB
  • WMV10.Client Access11.Setting up The Client Bootstrapper.wmv7.86MB
  • WMV12.Car Rental Website - Part 208.Setting up Viewmodel and Providing Previous-Step Functionality.wmv7.84MB
  • WMV14.Car The in Viewmodel.wmv7.79MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 211.Validating and Sing A Car.wmv7.78MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 217.The Edit-Car View.wmv7.76MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 105.Creating The First View and Setting up Its Base.wmv7.68MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core20.The Rest of The Tests and Conclusion.wmv7.31MB
  • WMV07.Services The Business Engine from A Service.wmv7.20MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 311.Setting up The API Operation.wmv7.18MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 307.Setting up The Files for Car Reservations.wmv7.10MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 209.Setting up The Edit-Car Viewmodel.wmv7.08MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 208.Writing and Testing The Edit Comnd.wmv7.00MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 107.Knockout Intro and Component Credits.wmv6.99MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 320.Unit Testing API Controllers.wmv6.98MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 317.Displaying Reservation Results.wmv6.98MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)06.Overview of A Data Repository.wmv6.94MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 308.Skeletal Code For JS Files Ad CSHTML View.wmv6.93MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 208.Setting up for Retrieval of Authorization Account.wmv6.93MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core19.Unit Testing Core Functionality.wmv6.89MB
  • WMV06.Data and EF Code-First Description.wmv6.85MB
  • WMV01.Welcome & Course Description02.Course Agenda.wmv6.84MB
  • WMV10.Client Access10.Writing The Service Factory.wmv6.79MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core08.Setting up The Client Entity Base Class.wmv6.73MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 215.Adding Needed Credentials for The nager Test.wmv6.67MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)15.The Data Repository Factory.wmv6.63MB
  • WMV13.Car and Using A WCF Proxy from The Controller.wmv6.57MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting08.Configuring-the-test-client.wmv6.54MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 111.Upcoming Problems to Be Solved.wmv6.51MB
  • WMV02.Demo of A Service Oriented Appication02.Application Demo.wmv6.30MB
  • WMV10.Client Access09.Service Factory Intro.wmv6.23MB
  • WMV03.SOA & Technology05.SOA & Course Technologies.wmv6.21MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)16.The Repository Factory Test Client Class.wmv6.17MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 207.Writing The First Viewmodel Comnd.wmv6.16MB
  • WMV03.SOA & Technology02.Evolution of Software Development.wmv6.09MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 109.Adding The Fault Contracts to The Operation Contracts.wmv6.09MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 205.Obtaining Service Proxy and Getting Car List.wmv6.04MB
  • WMV10.Client Access13.Service Connection Unit Tests.wmv6.04MB
  • WMV13.Car to Push-State.wmv5.95MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)02.Creating The DB-Context.wmv5.91MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 204.Setting up The Cars Observable.wmv5.82MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting03.Simple Host Setup of Inventory Service.wmv5.78MB
  • WMV10.Client Access05.king The Client Proxies DI-aware.wmv5.74MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 108.The Security Adapter Class.wmv5.70MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database04.Security.wmv5.70MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 319.Unit Testing MVC Controllers.wmv5.67MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting13.Bootstrapping MEF and Test Run.wmv5.64MB
  • WMV15.Car upon The Edit-Car Viewmodel From Its Parent.wmv5.64MB
  • WMV01.Welcome & Course Descriptio.The Course.wmv5.60MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 206.Implementing The GetRentalHistory Operation.wmv5.59MB
  • WMV02.Demo of A Service Oriented Appicatio.Description and Goals of The Case-Study App.wmv5.58MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database01.The Database.wmv5.42MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core07.Property Change Notification & Dirty Tracking - Intro.wmv5.42MB
  • WMV08.Services Authorization Intro.wmv5.42MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)03.DB-Context Properties.wmv5.37MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core14.Helpers for Collecting Properties.wmv5.24MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core05.Business Entity Base Class & Identification Interface.wmv5.18MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting10.Unattended Process Intro.wmv5.07MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 222.Recap & Sumry.wmv5.05MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 102.Application Infrastructure Intro.wmv5.04MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)14.The Data Repository Factory Abstraction.wmv5.02MB
  • WMV11.Car Description.wmv4.98MB
  • WMV11.Car Rental Website - Part 113.Test run for Validation Display.wmv4.91MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting15.Recap and Sumry.wmv4.91MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 106.Creating The Skeleton for The Other Three Views.wmv4.91MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 213.Finishing up The Edit-Car Viewmodel with Cancellation.wmv4.85MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 310.king A Get Call to The API.wmv4.74MB
  • WMV05.Entities Safe Property Change Notification.wmv4.67MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 202.Security Intro.wmv4.66MB
  • WMV12.Car & Highlights.wmv4.59MB
  • WMV13.Car to The Rest of The Site.wmv4.49MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 212.Letting The Parent Viewmodel Know About The Update.wmv4.45MB
  • WMV05.Entities Setup for Business and Client Entities.wmv4.42MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting06.Configuring The Other Services.wmv4.38MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting12.Adding Security Credentials for The Process.wmv4.32MB
  • WMV06.Data to The Data Repository Factory.wmv4.22MB
  • WMV15.Car & Highlights.wmv4.16MB
  • WMV10.Client Access08.Refactoring to A Proxy Base Class.wmv4.15MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 314.Returning The List of Cars and Proceeding with The View.wmv4.07MB
  • WMV03.SOA & Technology04.A Typical Service Oriented Architecture (visual).wmv3.97MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core09.Adding Dirty-Tracking Functionality.wmv3.88MB
  • WMV03.SOA & Technology01.What is SOA.wmv3.84MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core18.Unit Testing - Intro.wmv3.76MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database02.Core use Cases.wmv3.75MB
  • WMV10.Client Access06.Soap Header Intro.wmv3.71MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core03.Entities as Data Contracts.wmv3.66MB
  • WMV11.Car & Highlights.wmv3.56MB
  • WMV10.Client Access14.Recap & Sumry.wmv3.38MB
  • WMV10.Client Access02.Client Contracts Intro.wmv3.31MB
  • WMV07.Services to Business Engines.wmv3.29MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core01.Entity Design & Structure.wmv3.26MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 216.Test Run Showing The Empty Edit Panel.wmv3.25MB
  • WMV15.Car Rental Desk - Part 218.Testing Car-Editing.wmv3.24MB
  • WMV14.Car Rental Desk - Part 104.View Hierarchy Description.wmv3.18MB
  • WMV09.Service Hosting02.Service Hosting Intro.wmv3.08MB
  • WMV05.Entities & Core16.Validation - Intro.wmv3.07MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 321.Recap & Sumry.wmv2.95MB
  • WMV13.Car Rental Website - Part 305.Testing The Push-State.wmv2.86MB
  • WMV04.Architecture & Database03.Service Decomposition.wmv2.76MB
  • WMV14.Car & Highlights.wmv2.75MB
  • WMV06.Data Access (starting the business tier)19.Recap & Conclusion.wmv2.66MB
  • WMV08.Services & Business Engines - Part 216.Recap and Sumry.wmv2.64MB
  • WMV07.Services and Highlights.wmv2.46MB
  • WMV13.Car & Highlights.wmv2.43MB
  • WMV09.Service and Highlights.wmv2.26MB
  • WMV01.Welcome & Course Description03.Ready For Some Fun.wmv2.22MB
  • WMV10.Client & Hightlights.wmv2.07MB
  • WMV08.Services and Highlights.wmv1.71MB
  • WMV07.Services & Business Engines - Part 116.Recap and Sumry.wmv1.55MB
Latest Search: 1.BJYG-016   2.SDDL-479   3.VEMA-060   4.DJSF-087   5.GUN-815   6.IDBD-342   7.ONSD-429   8.SBNS-012   9.ONSD-727   10.URAB-012   11.KAM-021   12.RKI-275   13.ATAD-077   14.GWAZ-045   15.MIBD-266   16.SEED-071   17.XV-1201   18.DMBA-159   19.GS-1349   20.CXAZ-030   21.SRA-002   22.KTDS-702   23.FSET-530   24.RD-674   25.DKF-016   26.GAR-428   27.JUSD-672   28.YRMN-006   29.PGD-854   30.HFD-136   31.ZUKO-114   32.GDQN-037   33.VNDS-252   34.AWTB-009   35.DSD-705   36.DMOW-162   37.SS-136   38.AIMS-009   39.PARATHD-2429   40.GTJ-070   41.NACR-281   42.1105   43.049   44.008   45.445   46.004   47.194   48.304   49.007   50.202   51.439   52.659   53.023   54.033   55.115   56.251   57.309   58.002   59.574   60.254   61.037   62.155   63.040   64.634   65.180   66.216   67.657   68.220   69.018   70.043   71.022   72.009   73.589   74.022   75.445   76.520   77.200   78.048   79.942   80.143   81.116   82.035   83.005   84.026   85.170   86.295   87.007   88.357   89.086   90.0002   91.0443   92.001   93.069   94.601SR   95.112   96.023   97.017   98.434   99.8454   100.001   101.024   102.002   103.004   104.015   105.026   106.582   107.298   108.20038   109.097   110.201   111.5056