
Packt Publishing Deep Dive into Python chine Learning
  • ZIPProject_Files\\/Deep Learning with Python [Video].zip590.78KB
  • ZIPProject_Files\\/Python chine Learning Solutions [Video].zip57.83MB
  • MP401 - The Course Overview.mp414.93MB
  • MP402 - Python Basic Syntax and Block Structure.mp422.54MB
  • MP403 - Built-in Data Structures and Comprehensions.mp417.79MB
  • MP404 - First-Class Functions and Classes.mp412.33MB
  • MP405 - Extensive Standard Library.mp431.14MB
  • MP406 - New in Python 3.5.mp421.01MB
  • MP407 - Downloading and Installing Python.mp415.34MB
  • MP408 - Using the Comnd-Line and the Interactive Shell.mp47.10MB
  • MP409 - Installing Packages with pip.mp411.04MB
  • MP410 - Finding Packages in the Python Package Index.mp421.78MB
  • MP4100 - Compressing an Ige Using Vector Quantization.mp416.33MB
  • MP4101 - Building a Mean Shift Clustering.mp411.26MB
  • MP4102 - Grouping Data Using Agglomerative Clustering.mp413.54MB
  • MP4103 - Evaluating the Perfornce of Clustering Algorithms.mp412.74MB
  • MP4104 - Autotically Estimating the Number of Clusters Using DBSCAN.mp414.94MB
  • MP4105 - Finding Patterns in Stock rket Data.mp411.34MB
  • MP4106 - Building a Customer Segmentation Model.mp49.78MB
  • MP4107 - Building Function Composition for Data Processing.mp413.67MB
  • MP4108 - Building chine Learning Pipelines.mp415.17MB
  • MP4109 - Finding the Nearest Neighbors.mp48.05MB
  • MP411 - Creating an Empty Package.mp411.59MB
  • MP4110 - Constructing a k-nearest Neighbors Classifier.mp419.77MB
  • MP4111 - Constructing a k-nearest Neighbors Regressor.mp49.75MB
  • MP4112 - Computing the Euclidean Distance Score.mp49.21MB
  • MP4113 - Computing the Pearson Correlation Score.mp48.32MB
  • MP4 - Finding Similar Users in a Dataset.mp46.89MB
  • MP4115 - Generating Movie Recommendations.mp410.20MB
  • MP4116 - Preprocessing Data Using Tokenization.mp412.67MB
  • MP4117 - Stemming Text Data.mp48.77MB
  • MP4118 - Converting Text to Its ba<x>se Form Using Lemtization.mp48.25MB
  • MP4119 - Dividing Text Using Chunking.mp47.42MB
  • MP412 - Adding Modules to the Package.mp47.99MB
  • MP4120 - Building a Bag-of-Words Model.mp411.71MB
  • MP4121 - Building a Text Classifier.mp417.97MB
  • MP4122 - Identifying the Gender.mp410.00MB
  • MP4123 - Analyzing the Sentiment of a Sentence.mp414.39MB
  • MP4124 - Identifying Patterns in Text Using ic Modelling.mp419.76MB
  • MP4125 - Reading and Plotting Audio Data.mp49.35MB
  • MP4126 - Transforming Audio Signals into the Frequency Doin.mp49.32MB
  • MP4127 - Generating Audio Signals with Custom Parameters.mp47.64MB
  • MP4128 - Synthesizing Music.mp49.81MB
  • MP4129 - Extracting Frequency Doin Features.mp48.13MB
  • MP413 - Importing One of the Package\s Modules from Another.mp49.29MB
  • MP4130 - Building Hidden rkov Models.mp49.60MB
  • MP4131 - Building a Speech Recognizer.mp412.94MB
  • MP4132 - Transforming Data into the Time Series Fort.mp413.23MB
  • MP4133 - Slicing Time Series Data.mp45.32MB
  • MP4134 - Operating on Time Series Data.mp46.79MB
  • MP4135 - Extracting Statistics from Time Series.mp410.76MB
  • MP4136 - Building Hidden rkov Models for Sequential Data.mp417.70MB
  • MP4137 - Building Conditional Random Fields for Sequential Text Data.mp419.05MB
  • MP4138 - Analyzing Stock rket Data with Hidden Markov Models.mp411.84MB
  • MP4139 - Operating on Iges Using OpenCV-Python.mp416.06MB
  • MP414 - Adding Static Data Files to the Package.mp44.54MB
  • MP4140 - Detecting Edges.mp413.63MB
  • MP4141 - Histogram Equalization.mp411.46MB
  • MP4142 - Detecting Corners and SIFT Feature Points.mp416.86MB
  • MP4143 - Building a Star Feature Detector.mp47.35MB
  • MP4144 - Creating Features Using Visual Codebook and Vector Quantization.mp419.96MB
  • MP4145 - Training an Ige Classifier Using Extremely Random Forests.mp411.41MB
  • MP4146 - Building an ob<x>ject recognizer.mp47.72MB
  • MP4147 - Capturing and Processing Video from a Webcam.mp46.95MB
  • MP4148 - Building a Face Detector using Haar Cascades.mp411.01MB
  • MP4149 - Building Eye and Nose Detectors.mp48.23MB
  • MP415 - PEP 8 and Writing Readable Code.mp423.79MB
  • MP4150 - Performing Principal Component Analysis.mp47.98MB
  • MP4151 - Performing Kernel Principal Component Analysis.mp48.42MB
  • MP4152 - Performing Blind Source Separation.mp410.05MB
  • MP4153 - Building a Face Recognizer Using a Local Binary Patterns Histogram.mp420.53MB
  • MP4154 - Building a Perceptron.mp49.19MB
  • MP4155 - Building a Single-la<x>yer Neural Network.mp45.93MB
  • MP4156 - Building a deep neural network.mp49.15MB
  • MP4157 - Creating a Vector Quantizer.mp48.36MB
  • MP4158 - Building a Recurrent Neural Network for Sequential Data Analysis.mp410.18MB
  • MP4159 - Visualizing the Characters in an Optical Character Recognition Databa<x>se.mp45.17MB
  • MP416 - Using Version Control.mp416.75MB
  • MP4160 - Building an Optical Character Recognizer Using Neural Networks.mp410.37MB
  • MP4161 - Plotting 3D Scatter plots.mp48.03MB
  • MP4162 - Plotting Bubble Plots.mp43.66MB
  • MP4163 - Aniting Bubble Plots.mp49.43MB
  • MP41 - Drawing Pie Charts.mp45.57MB
  • MP4165 - Plotting Date-Fortted Time Series Data.mp45.96MB
  • MP4166 - Plotting Histograms.mp43.67MB
  • MP4167 - Visualizing Heat ps.mp44.00MB
  • MP4168 - Aniting Dynamic Signals.mp46.79MB
  • MP4169 - The Course Overview.mp417.84MB
  • MP417 - Using venv to Create a Stable and Isolated Work Area.mp48.15MB
  • MP4170 - What Is Deep Learning.mp47.37MB
  • MP4171 - Open Source Libraries for Deep Learning.mp421.33MB
  • MP4172 - Deep Learning Hello World! Classifying the MNIST Data.mp434.69MB
  • MP4173 - Introduction to Backpropagation.mp49.32MB
  • MP4174 - Understanding Deep Learning with Theano.mp419.26MB
  • MP4175 - Optimizing a Simple Model in Pure Theano.mp433.58MB
  • MP4176 - Keras Behind the Scenes.mp424.43MB
  • MP4177 - Fully Connected or Dense la<x>yers.mp421.89MB
  • MP4178 - Convolutional and Pooling la<x>yers.mp425.35MB
  • MP4179 - Large Scale Datasets IgeNet and Very Deep Neural Networks.mp420.32MB
  • MP418 - Getting the Most Out of docstrings 1 - PEP 257 and docutils.mp438.58MB
  • MP4180 - Loading Pre-trained Models with Theano.mp423.52MB
  • MP4181 - Reusing Pre-trained Models in New Applications.mp431.83MB
  • MP4182 - Theano for Loops – the scan Module.mp419.47MB
  • MP4183 - Recurrent la<x>yers.mp424.84MB
  • MP4184 - Recurrent Versus Convolutional la<x>yers.mp46.58MB
  • MP4185 - Recurrent Networks –Training a Sentiment Analysis Model for Text.mp429.72MB
  • MP4186 - Bonus Challenge – Autotic Image Captioning.mp421.25MB
  • MP4187 - Captioning TensorFlow – Google\s chine Learning Library.mp421.61MB
  • MP419 - Getting the Most Out of docstrings 2 - doctest.mp47.42MB
  • MP420 - king a Package Executable via python -m.mp49.19MB
  • MP421 - Handling Comnd-Line Arguments with argparse.mp412.23MB
  • MP422 - Interacting with the User.mp48.64MB
  • MP423 - Executing Other Programs with Subprocess.mp445.53MB
  • MP424 - Using Shell sc<x>ripts or Batch Files to Run Our Programs.mp44.62MB
  • MP425 - Using concurrent.futures.mp446.73MB
  • MP426 - Using Multiprocessing.mp421.90MB
  • MP427 - Understanding Why This Isn\t Like Parallel Processing.mp417.40MB
  • MP428 - Using the asyncio Event Loop and Coroutine Scheduler.mp413.35MB
  • MP429 - Waiting for Data to Become ailable.mp46.66MB
  • MP430 - Synchronizing Multiple Tasks.mp413.32MB
  • MP431 - Communicating Across the Network.mp411.34MB
  • MP432 - Using Function Decorators.mp412.98MB
  • MP433 - Function Annotations.mp413.61MB
  • MP434 - Class Decorators.mp411.44MB
  • MP435 - me<x>taclasses.mp49.83MB
  • MP436 - Context nagers.mp411.35MB
  • MP437 - Desc<x>riptors.mp419.63MB
  • MP438 - Understanding the Principles of Unit Testing.mp48.50MB
  • MP439 - Using the unittest Package.mp417.13MB
  • MP440 - Using unittest.mock.mp410.55MB
  • MP441 - Using unittest\s Test Discovery.mp49.72MB
  • MP442 - Using Nose for Unified Test Discover and Reporting.mp411.00MB
  • MP443 - What Does Reactive Programming Mean.mp44.82MB
  • MP444 - Building a Simple Reactive Programming fr<x>amework.mp414.64MB
  • MP445 - Using the Reactive Extensions for Python (RxPY).mp433.64MB
  • MP446 - Microservices and the Advantages of Process Isolation.mp48.20MB
  • MP447 - Building a High-Level Microservice with Flask.mp424.79MB
  • MP448 - Building a Low-Level Microservice with nameko.mp412.78MB
  • MP449 - Advantages and Disadvantages of Compiled Code.mp410.42MB
  • MP450 - Accessing a Dynamic Library Using ctypes.mp414.92MB
  • MP451 - Interfacing with C Code Using Cython.mp427.33MB
  • MP452 - The Course Overview.mp49.69MB
  • MP453 - Brief Introduction to Data Mining.mp48.59MB
  • MP454 - Data Mining Basic Concepts and Applications.mp414.24MB
  • MP455 - Why Python.mp45.22MB
  • MP456 - Basics of Python.mp49.58MB
  • MP457 - Installing IPython.mp43.88MB
  • MP458 - Installing the Numpy Library.mp48.80MB
  • MP459 - Installing the pandas Library.mp414.97MB
  • MP460 - Installing tplotlib.mp411.96MB
  • MP461 - Installing scikit-learn.mp43.75MB
  • MP462 - Data Cleaning.mp49.19MB
  • MP463 - Data Preprocessing Techniques.mp48.41MB
  • MP4 - Linear Regression Basic Model Approach.mp414.03MB
  • MP465 - Evaluating Regression Models.mp49.14MB
  • MP466 - Basic Regression Model Implementation to Predict House Prices.mp435.83MB
  • MP467 - Regression Model Implementation to Predict Television Show Viewers.mp440.35MB
  • MP468 - Logistic Regression.mp46.92MB
  • MP469 - K – Nearest Neighbors Classifier.mp48.89MB
  • MP470 - Support Vector chine.mp49.40MB
  • MP471 - Logistic Regression Model Implementation.mp447.17MB
  • MP472 - K – Nearest Neighbor Classifier Implementation.mp438.31MB
  • MP473 - Preprocessing Data Using Different Techniques.mp426.46MB
  • MP474 - Label Encoding.mp410.54MB
  • MP475 - Building a Linear Regressor.mp419.66MB
  • MP476 - Regression Accuracy and Model Persistence.mp417.50MB
  • MP477 - Building a Ridge Regressor.mp412.30MB
  • MP478 - Building a Polynomial Regressor.mp411.43MB
  • MP479 - Estiting housing prices.mp416.90MB
  • MP480 - Computing relative importance of features.mp47.58MB
  • MP481 - Estiting bicycle demand distribution.mp417.97MB
  • MP482 - Building a Simple Classifier.mp412.21MB
  • MP483 - Building a Logistic Regression Classifier.mp420.20MB
  • MP484 - Building a Naive Bayes’ Classifier.mp48.74MB
  • MP485 - Splitting the Dataset for Training and Testing.mp46.14MB
  • MP486 - Evaluating the Accuracy Using Cross-Validation.mp48.21MB
  • MP487 - Visualizing the Confusion trix and Extracting the Performance Report.mp415.79MB
  • MP488 - Evaluating Cars ba<x>sed on Their Characteristics.mp423.16MB
  • MP489 - Extracting Validation Curves.mp414.08MB
  • MP490 - Extracting Learning Curves.mp47.31MB
  • MP491 - Extracting the Income Bracket.mp415.04MB
  • MP492 - Building a Linear Classifier Using Support Vector chine.mp420.20MB
  • MP493 - Building Nonlinear Classifier Using SVMs.mp48.00MB
  • MP494 - Tackling Class Imbalance.mp413.30MB
  • MP495 - Extracting Confidence Measurements.mp412.01MB
  • MP496 - Finding Optil Hyper-Parameters.mp410.42MB
  • MP497 - Building an Event Predictor.mp416.95MB
  • MP498 - Estiting Traffic.mp410.82MB
  • MP499 - Clustering Data Using the k-means Algorithm.mp413.45MB
Latest Search: 1.PSD-376   2.KWBD-055   3.CYAX-001   4.GSHR-777   5.HITMA-48   6.CVDX-112   7.URAB-012   8.JKRA-005   9.MIBD-596   10.DJSI-038   11.MKCK-001   12.ENFD-4127   13.MXSPS-160   14.MXGS-184   15.PAP-74   16.IDBD-285   17.ISSD-021   18.ELO-379   19.MIBD-661   20.ELO-293   21.MIBD-624   22.ONSD-566   23.RKI-204   24.GEKSD-042   25.ONSD-554   26.UMD-367   27.DOLX-01   28.IDBD-066   29.TCR-003   30.MIBD-624   31.OPBD-007   32.CADV-368   33.ONSD-574   34.IDBD-346   35.MIBD-659   36.NFDM-097   37.DJSD-05   38.RD-282   39.MGDV-002   40.DSMO-007   41.ONED-960   42.TDMJ-46   43.PZO-008   44.AAJB-139   45.JFB-028   46.MOMR-001   47.ABF-045   48.AUKG-195   49.PLA-034   50.BF-249   51.NATR-228   52.QXL-93   53.JKS-031   54.AAJB-022   55.UMD-270   56.BOIN-124   57.GAS-285   58.AOFR-048   59.GODR-541   60.DPM-004   61.C-1747   62.SPZ-136   63.DSPE-006   64.MMC-078   65.DSMB-012   66.BOTN-016   67.GWS-010   68.M-503   69.D-767   70.D-650   71.376   72.055   73.001   74.777   75.48   76.112   77.012   78.005   79.596   80.038   81.001   82.4127   83.160   84.184   85.74   86.285   87.021   88.379   89.661   90.293   91.624   92.566   93.204   94.042   95.554   96.367   97.01   98.066   99.003   100.624   101.007   102.368   103.574   104.346   105.659   106.097   107.05   108.282   109.002   110.007   111.960   112.46   113.008   114.139   115.028   116.001   117.045   118.195   119.034   120.249   121.228   122.93   123.031   124.022   125.270   126.124   127.285   128.048   129.541   130.004   131.1747   132.136   133.006   134.078   135.012   136.016   137.010   138.503   139.767   140.650