
Udemy Programming Example Golang
  • MP4Lesson 1. Course Introduction (Detailed).mp465.76MB
  • MP4Lesson 10. Verbs.mp421.49MB
  • MP4Lesson 100. Interfaces - Theory.mp4146.31MB
  • MP4Lesson 101. Interfaces - Example.mp481.91MB
  • MP4Lesson 102. The \empty\ Interface.mp498.27MB
  • MP4Lesson 103. Interfaces - Conversion.mp475.69MB
  • MP4Lesson 104. Interfaces Assertion.mp449.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 105. Interfaces - Package \sort\ - Part 1.mp428.77MB
  • MP4Lesson 106. Interfaces - Package \sort\ - Part 2.mp4122.82MB
  • MP4Lesson 107. The \interface\ Interfaces - Part 1.mp430.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 108. The \interface\ Interfaces - Part 2 - More Examples.mp453.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 109. Concurrency - Section Overview.mp43.12MB
  • MP4Lesson 11. Constants.mp426.43MB
  • MP4Lesson 110. Concurrency - Goroutines.mp4147.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 111. Concurrency - Waitgroup.mp447.41MB
  • MP4Lesson 112. Concurrency & Paralleli.mp491.99MB
  • MP4Lesson 113. Concurrency - Race Condition.mp437.00MB
  • MP4Lesson . Concurrency - Mutex.mp432.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 115. Concurrency - Atomic.mp436.08MB
  • MP4Lesson 116. Channels - Section Overview.mp42.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 117. Channels - Theory.mp4168.97MB
  • MP4Lesson 118. nil Channels - Deadlock.mp427.36MB
  • MP4Lesson 119. Unbuffered Channels.mp4119.93MB
  • MP4Lesson 12. Working with Binary Hexa Octa ... Values.mp415.93MB
  • MP4Lesson 120. Channel Range.mp4129.04MB
  • MP4Lesson 121. Channels - Sephore.mp4101.68MB
  • MP4Lesson 122. Channels - Multipe Receivers.mp446.32MB
  • MP4Lesson 123. Channels - Assignment.mp469.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 124. Channel Direction.mp4100.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 125. Channels - Multiplexing.mp4121.22MB
  • MP4Lesson 126. Buffered Channels.mp4139.50MB
  • MP4Lesson 127. Buffered Channels - Capacity.mp428.89MB
  • MP4Lesson 128. Channels - Assignment.mp451.06MB
  • MP4Lesson 129. Channels - Assignment.mp452.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 13. More Verbs.mp436.66MB
  • MP4Lesson 130. Channels - Pipeline.mp428.95MB
  • MP4Lesson 131. Channels - Pipeline - Assignment.mp427.77MB
  • MP4Lesson 132. Packages & Documentation - Section Overview.mp41.15MB
  • MP4Lesson 133. Packages.mp4135.22MB
  • MP4Lesson 134. Documentation.mp495.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 135. Error Handling & Unit Testing - Section Overview.mp42.08MB
  • MP4Lesson 136. Error Handling - Part 1.mp4104.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 137. Error Handling - Part 2.mp467.15MB
  • MP4Lesson 138. Error Handling - Part 3.mp447.42MB
  • MP4Lesson 139. Unit Testing.mp4178.62MB
  • MP4Lesson 14. Declaration.mp411.00MB
  • MP4Lesson 140. Miscellaneous ics - Section Overview.mp43.43MB
  • MP4Lesson 141. Reference Non Reference Types.mp4116.22MB
  • MP4Lesson 142. JSON.mp4120.63MB
  • MP4Lesson 143. Working with Files - Part 1.mp480.91MB
  • MP4Lesson 144. Working with Files - Part 2.mp462.81MB
  • MP4Lesson 145. String nipulation Functions.mp4131.56MB
  • MP4Lesson 146. Reflections - Part 1.mp437.14MB
  • MP4Lesson 147. Reflections - Part 2.mp4195.16MB
  • MP4Lesson 148. Reflections - Part 3.mp482.85MB
  • MP4Lesson 149. MySQL & Final Assignment- Section Overview.mp45.37MB
  • MP4Lesson 15. Working with Strings.mp424.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 150. PostgreSQL Installation.mp426.51MB
  • MP4Lesson 151. MySQL Installation.mp478.26MB
  • MP4Lesson 152. Working with MySQL - MySQL Workbench.mp494.54MB
  • MP4Lesson 153. A Tour of SQL (MySQL & PostgreSQL) - Part 1.mp4167.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 154. A Tour of SQL (MySQL & PostgreSQL) - Part 2.mp4184.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 155. Connecting to MySQL from Go.mp4164.66MB
  • MP4Lesson 156. MySQL Operations in Go.mp4222.93MB
  • MP4Lesson 157. Connecting Go to PostgreSQL.mp4118.71MB
  • MP4Lesson 158. Final Assignment - Requirements.mp4148.65MB
  • MP4Lesson 159. Final Assignment - Solution - Part 1.mp4268.59MB
  • MP4Lesson 16. Working with Binary Values.mp413.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 160. Final Assignment - Solution - Part 2.mp4386.23MB
  • MP4Lesson 161. Final Assignment - Solution - Part 3.mp475.75MB
  • MP4Lesson 162. Final Assignment - Solution - Part 4.mp4196.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 163. Final Assignment - Conclusion.mp4101.12MB
  • MP4Lesson 1. Thank You and Please Lee a Rating for the Course.mp43.79MB
  • MP4Lesson 17. Logical Operators.mp411.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 18. Character Escapes.mp421.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 19. Equality Symbol.mp414.87MB
  • MP4Lesson 2. Course Sample Lectures.mp4140.96MB
  • MP4Lesson 20. Bitwise Operators.mp453.41MB
  • MP4Lesson 21. ba<x>se 8 and 16.mp49.39MB
  • MP4Lesson 22. Minimum and ximum Values of Basic Types.mp426.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 23. nan and Infinity.mp415.00MB
  • MP4Lesson 24. Unicode - Part 1.mp429.11MB
  • MP4Lesson 25. Unicode - Part 2.mp414.07MB
  • MP4Lesson 26. utf8 Part 1.mp440.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 27. utf8 Part 2.mp439.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 28. utf8 Part 3.mp444.10MB
  • MP4Lesson 29. utf8 Part 4.mp410.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 3. Introduction to Go.mp4108.95MB
  • MP4Lesson 30. utf8 Part 5.mp421.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 31. utf8 Part 6.mp415.37MB
  • MP4Lesson 32. Scope of Variables.mp4105.71MB
  • MP4Lesson 33. Control Structures - Section Overview.mp41.89MB
  • MP4Lesson 34. if-else Statements.mp444.47MB
  • MP4Lesson 35. for loop Statements.mp4109.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 36. switch Statements - Part 1.mp481.32MB
  • MP4Lesson 37. switch Statements - Part 2.mp496.54MB
  • MP4Lesson 38. Arrays & Slices - Section Overview.mp42.57MB
  • MP4Lesson 39. Arrays - Theory.mp451.55MB
  • MP4Lesson 4. Installation (Compiler and IDE) & Course Resources.mp4107.34MB
  • MP4Lesson 40. Arrays - Part 1.mp461.47MB
  • MP4Lesson 41. Arrays - Part 2.mp474.65MB
  • MP4Lesson 42. Slices - Theory.mp488.58MB
  • MP4Lesson 43. Slices - Part 1.mp469.26MB
  • MP4Lesson 44. Slices - Part 2.mp470.34MB
  • MP4Lesson 45. Slices - Part 3.mp453.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 46. Slices - Part 4.mp483.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 47. ps - Section Overview.mp41.58MB
  • MP4Lesson 48. ps - Theory.mp455.97MB
  • MP4Lesson 49. Hashtables - Part 1.mp462.07MB
  • MP4Lesson 5. Language Fundamentals - Section Overview.mp44.47MB
  • MP4Lesson 50. Hashtables - Part 2.mp442.97MB
  • MP4Lesson 51. ps - make() function.mp438.36MB
  • MP4Lesson 52. ps - Assignment.mp446.20MB
  • MP4Lesson 53. Sorting ps.mp457.31MB
  • MP4Lesson 54. ps - Assignment.mp444.58MB
  • MP4Lesson 55. ps & Unicode.mp449.84MB
  • MP4Lesson 56. Functions Part 1 - Section Overview.mp41.42MB
  • MP4Lesson 57. Functions - Theory.mp449.60MB
  • MP4Lesson 58. Function Parameters.mp460.69MB
  • MP4Lesson 59. Functions & Stacks.mp457.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 6. Hello World.mp467.22MB
  • MP4Lesson 60. Variadic Functions.mp457.15MB
  • MP4Lesson 61. Functions - Assignment.mp438.94MB
  • MP4Lesson 62. Stacks - Assignment.mp426.58MB
  • MP4Lesson 63. Functions & p of maps.mp439.96MB
  • MP4Lesson . Functions & p of maps - Assignment.mp481.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 65. Pointers - Section Overview.mp42.01MB
  • MP4Lesson 66. Pointers - Theory.mp4141.23MB
  • MP4Lesson 67. Pointers - Basics.mp475.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 68. Pointers & Slices.mp496.27MB
  • MP4Lesson 69. Pointers & Slice of slice.mp454.49MB
  • MP4Lesson 7. Concepts - Part 1.mp4169.31MB
  • MP4Lesson 70. Pointers & Functions.mp446.85MB
  • MP4Lesson 71. Pointers & Ref-Non ref Types.mp430.89MB
  • MP4Lesson 72. Pointers & Ref-Non ref Types - Assignment.mp467.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 73. Functions Part 2 - Section Overview.mp41.98MB
  • MP4Lesson 74. Function Literals.mp431.69MB
  • MP4Lesson 75. Function Literals - Functions as Return Types.mp462.29MB
  • MP4Lesson 76. Closure.mp457.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 77. Callbacks.mp439.23MB
  • MP4Lesson 78. Callbacks - Variadic - Assignment.mp440.73MB
  • MP4Lesson 79. Recursion Factorial.mp456.48MB
  • MP4Lesson 8. Concepts - Part 2.mp4196.94MB
  • MP4Lesson 80. Recursion Fibonacci.mp440.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 81. Function defer.mp464.42MB
  • MP4Lesson 82. Function defer - Assignment.mp425.16MB
  • MP4Lesson 83. Function panic.mp448.76MB
  • MP4Lesson 84. Function recover.mp445.01MB
  • MP4Lesson 85. Structs - Section Overview.mp42.82MB
  • MP4Lesson 86. Structs - Theory.mp470.63MB
  • MP4Lesson 87. Structs - Example.mp478.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 88. Anonymous Struct - Pointers.mp457.43MB
  • MP4Lesson 89. Comparing Structs.mp4152.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 9. Types - Variables.mp467.29MB
  • MP4Lesson 90. Structs & Pointers.mp421.21MB
  • MP4Lesson 91. Structs - Anonymous Fields.mp421.89MB
  • MP4Lesson 92. em<x>bedded Structs.mp467.16MB
  • MP4Lesson 93. em<x>bedded Structs Anonymous.mp415.80MB
  • MP4Lesson 94. Multiple em<x>bedded Structs - Assignment.mp457.53MB
  • MP4Lesson 95. Structs - Receivers.mp482.74MB
  • MP4Lesson 96. Exporteing Structs.mp4139.92MB
  • MP4Lesson 97. Structs - Method Overloading.mp4134.79MB
  • MP4Lesson 98. Struct Rreceivers and Pointers.mp469.72MB
  • MP4Lesson 99. Interfaces - Section Overview.mp43.11MB
  • ZIPterials.zip1.57MB
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