
Udemy The Complete Android Oreo Developer Course Build Apps
  • MP4Lesson 1. What does the course cover.mp411.07MB
  • MP4Lesson 10. Buttons.mp437.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 100. Introduction.mp422.62MB
  • MP4Lesson 101. Adaptive Icons.mp428.91MB
  • MP4Lesson 102. Fonts - Downloadable and xm<x>l.mp439.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 103. Autofill and Autocomplete.mp431.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 104. Version Control.mp427.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 105. Picture in Picture.mp436.68MB
  • MP4Lesson 106. Introduction to Daydream.mp439.50MB
  • MP4Lesson 107. Introduction.mp410.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 108. Hello World With Android Wear.mp428.38MB
  • MP4Lesson 109. Adapting Apps For Different Watch Faces.mp428.53MB
  • MP4Lesson 11. TextFields.mp441.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 110. App People Counter.mp426.55MB
  • MP4Lesson 111. Working With Lists.mp417.93MB
  • MP4Lesson 112. Voice Input.mp420.76MB
  • MP4Lesson 113. Communicating With The User\s Phone.mp435.32MB
  • MP4Lesson . Notifications.mp423.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 115. Custom Watch Faces.mp437.99MB
  • MP4Lesson 116. Introduction.mp48.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 117. Signup Login.mp447.78MB
  • MP4Lesson 118. Following & Unfollowing Users.mp451.84MB
  • MP4Lesson 119. Sending Tweets.mp434.15MB
  • MP4Lesson 12. Displaying Messages.mp423.04MB
  • MP4Lesson 120. View Your Twitter Feed.mp444.46MB
  • MP4Lesson 121. Introduction.mp418.55MB
  • MP4Lesson 122. What is ARCore.mp423.81MB
  • MP4Lesson 123. Exploring ARCore.mp439.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 124. Introduction.mp47.47MB
  • MP4Lesson 125. How To Submit Your App To Google Play.mp440.20MB
  • MP4Lesson 126. Introduction.mp424.56MB
  • MP4Lesson 127. App rketing.mp434.43MB
  • MP4Lesson 128. Introduction.mp46.82MB
  • MP4Lesson 129. Setting Up Wordpress.mp435.69MB
  • MP4Lesson 13. Iges.mp437.21MB
  • MP4Lesson 130. Customising Your Site.mp454.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 131. Introduction.mp49.42MB
  • MP4Lesson 132. Fireba<x>se and Auth.mp4105.53MB
  • MP4Lesson 133. Uploading Iges.mp4106.42MB
  • MP4Lesson 134. Fireba<x>se Databa<x>se.mp4136.40MB
  • MP4Lesson 135. Deleting Snaps.mp481.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 136. Where do you go from here.mp425.06MB
  • MP4Lesson 137. Introduction.mp444.61MB
  • MP4Lesson 138. Introducing Uber.mp420.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 139. Uber Login Page.mp451.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 14. Currency Converter.mp450.63MB
  • MP4Lesson 140. The Rider Activity.mp4109.50MB
  • MP4Lesson 141. The Driver Activities.mp4214.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 142. Showing The Driver\s Location To The Rider.mp4114.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 143. Introduction.mp431.48MB
  • MP4Lesson 144. Login & Signup.mp476.70MB
  • MP4Lesson 145. The User List.mp440.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 146. The Chat Activity.mp462.97MB
  • MP4Lesson 147. Introducing GDX.mp419.76MB
  • MP4Lesson 148. Working with Sprites.mp432.59MB
  • MP4Lesson 149. Interacting with Sprites.mp430.74MB
  • MP4Lesson 15. Introduction.mp411.33MB
  • MP4Lesson 150. Bringing In the Pipes.mp459.40MB
  • MP4Lesson 151. Collision Detection.mp456.86MB
  • MP4Lesson 152. Scoring.mp431.79MB
  • MP4Lesson 153. Game Over Screen.mp433.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 16. Hello World With Ja.mp432.98MB
  • MP4Lesson 17. Variables.mp438.25MB
  • MP4Lesson 18. Arrays And ps.mp428.53MB
  • MP4Lesson 19. If Statements.mp421.32MB
  • MP4Lesson 2. How To Get All The Free Stuff.mp48.95MB
  • MP4Lesson 20. Higher Or Lower.mp440.89MB
  • MP4Lesson 21. Loops.mp435.88MB
  • MP4Lesson 22. Classes And ob<x>jects.mp425.60MB
  • MP4Lesson 23. App Number Shapes.mp464.84MB
  • MP4Lesson 24. Introduction.mp413.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 25. Layout.mp418.10MB
  • MP4Lesson 26. Fading Anitions.mp432.70MB
  • MP4Lesson 27. Other Anitions.mp421.71MB
  • MP4Lesson 28. Game Connect 3.mp4115.50MB
  • MP4Lesson 29. Video.mp416.82MB
  • MP4Lesson 3. Asking Great Questions & Debugging Your Code.mp440.99MB
  • MP4Lesson 30. Controlling Audio.mp422.13MB
  • MP4Lesson 31. Audio Volume Seeking.mp450.00MB
  • MP4Lesson 32. Grid Layouts.mp413.63MB
  • MP4Lesson 33. App Basic Phrases.mp435.78MB
  • MP4Lesson 34. Introduction.mp422.78MB
  • MP4Lesson 35. List Views.mp455.40MB
  • MP4Lesson 36. Times Tables Apps.mp485.24MB
  • MP4Lesson 37. Timers In Android.mp434.10MB
  • MP4Lesson 38. App Egg Timer.mp4117.05MB
  • MP4Lesson 39. Showing & Hiding UI Elements.mp425.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 4. Introduction.mp49.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 40. App Brain Trainer.mp4218.19MB
  • MP4Lesson 41. Try And Catch.mp419.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 42. Downloading Web Content.mp476.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 43. Downloading Iges.mp445.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 44. Advanced String nipulation.mp444.94MB
  • MP4Lesson 45. App Guess The Celebrity.mp4151.56MB
  • MP4Lesson 46. Processing JSON Data.mp475.01MB
  • MP4Lesson 47. App Whats The Weather.mp4135.49MB
  • MP4Lesson 48. Introduction.mp412.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 49. Using ps In Your Apps.mp426.46MB
  • MP4Lesson 5. Installing Android Studio On cOS.mp46.44MB
  • MP4Lesson 50. Customising Your ps.mp431.03MB
  • MP4Lesson 51. Getting The User\s Location.mp458.03MB
  • MP4Lesson 52. Showing The Users Location On A p.mp471.85MB
  • MP4Lesson 53. Getting Infortion About Locations.mp461.69MB
  • MP4Lesson 54. App Hiker\s Watch.mp4131.10MB
  • MP4Lesson 55. Adding A New Activity.mp458.66MB
  • MP4Lesson 56. App Memorable Places.mp4213.17MB
  • MP4Lesson 57. Introduction.mp412.48MB
  • MP4Lesson 58. Storing Data Pernently.mp4133.09MB
  • MP4Lesson 59. Customising The Action Bar.mp429.55MB
  • MP4Lesson 6. Installing Android Studio On Windows.mp45.29MB
  • MP4Lesson 60. Using Alert Dialogs.mp477.68MB
  • MP4Lesson 61. App Notes.mp4133.38MB
  • MP4Lesson 62. SQLite Databa<x>ses.mp476.96MB
  • MP4Lesson 63. Advanced SQLite.mp465.75MB
  • MP4Lesson . Webviews.mp420.98MB
  • MP4Lesson 65. App News Reader.mp4200.59MB
  • MP4Lesson 66. Introduction.mp47.45MB
  • MP4Lesson 67. Setting Up Parse Server On AWS.mp464.75MB
  • MP4Lesson 68. Advanced Parse Techniques.mp451.49MB
  • MP4Lesson 69. Advanced Queries.mp431.71MB
  • MP4Lesson 7. Android Studio Overview.mp492.86MB
  • MP4Lesson 70. Parse Users.mp425.53MB
  • MP4Lesson 71. Login & Signup.mp488.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 72. Advanced Keyboard nagement.mp435.01MB
  • MP4Lesson 73. Showing The User List.mp441.34MB
  • MP4Lesson 74. Importing Photos From The Camera.mp488.19MB
  • MP4Lesson 75. Viewing Users\ Feeds.mp472.78MB
  • MP4Lesson 76. Introduction.mp416.84MB
  • MP4Lesson 77. IntelliJ and Setup.mp423.82MB
  • MP4Lesson 78. Variables Strings and Ints.mp410.30MB
  • MP4Lesson 79. th and Comments.mp410.15MB
  • MP4Lesson 8. Opening Sample Projects.mp46.59MB
  • MP4Lesson 80. If Statements and Booleans.mp411.07MB
  • MP4Lesson 81. Lists and Arrays.mp410.99MB
  • MP4Lesson 82. For Loops.mp410.28MB
  • MP4Lesson 83. ps.mp49.36MB
  • MP4Lesson 84. Functions.mp411.87MB
  • MP4Lesson 85. Classes.mp412.52MB
  • MP4Lesson 86. Nullable.mp49.64MB
  • MP4Lesson 87. Our First Kotlin App.mp422.04MB
  • MP4Lesson 88. Ja and Kotlin.mp413.17MB
  • MP4Lesson 89. Introduction.mp48.02MB
  • MP4Lesson 9. Fortting Text.mp439.60MB
  • MP4Lesson 90. The Basics.mp429.39MB
  • MP4Lesson 91. Device Discovery.mp441.40MB
  • MP4Lesson 92. Device Detail.mp428.18MB
  • MP4Lesson 93. Listing Devices and RSSI.mp456.12MB
  • MP4Lesson 94. Introduction.mp48.12MB
  • MP4Lesson 95. GDX Setup.mp420.59MB
  • MP4Lesson 96. Sprites.mp431.83MB
  • MP4Lesson 97. Jumping.mp420.60MB
  • MP4Lesson 98. Coins and Bombs.mp453.29MB
  • MP4Lesson 99. Game State.mp438.50MB
  • ZIPterials.zip1.01MB
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