
udemy Docker stery The Complete Toolset From Docker Captain 2018
  • MP401 Course Introduction and Docker Setup\\/01-01 Course Roadp (overview).mp442.03MB
  • MP401 Course Introduction and Docker Setup\\/01-02 Why Docker Why Now.mp4183.06MB
  • MP401 Course Introduction and Docker Setup\\/01-03 Meet Your Instructor.mp425.94MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-01 Docker Editions. Which Do I Use.mp436.90MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-03 Windows Docker Options.mp447.15MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-04 Docker for Windows 10 Pro and Ent. Setup and Tips.mp463.00MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-05 Docker Toolbox for Win7 8 and 10 Home. Setup and Tips.mp459.97MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-06 Docker for c Setup and Tips.mp477.56MB
  • MP402 The Best Way to Setup Docker for Your OS\\/02-07 Docker for Linux Setup and Tips.mp471.01MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-01 Check Our Docker Install and Config.mp421.86MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-02 Starting a Nginx Web Server.mp419.87MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-03 Debrief. What Happens When We Run a Container.mp410.00MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-04 Container VS VM. Its Just a Process.mp419.78MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-06 Assignment. nage Multiple Containers.mp411.16MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-07 Assignment Answers. nage Multiple Containers.mp417.55MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-08 Whats Going On In Containers. CLI Process Monitoring.mp414.09MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-09 Getting a Shell Inside Containers. No Need for SSH.mp437.16MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-10 Docker Networks. Concepts for Private and Public Comms in Containers.mp430.84MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-12 Docker Networks. CLI nagement of Virtual Networks.mp423.63MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-13 Docker Networks. DNS and How Containers Find Each Other.mp415.78MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-14 Assignment. Using Containers for CLI Testing.mp48.37MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-15 Assignment Answers. Using Containers for CLI Testing.mp47.02MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-16 Assignment. DNS Round Robin Test.mp4100.64MB
  • MP403 Creating and Using Containers Like a Boss\\/03-17 Assignment Answers DNS Round Robin Test.mp47.74MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-01 Whats In An Ige (and What Isnt).mp47.55MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-02 The Mighty Hub. Using Docker Hub Registry Iges.mp431.64MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-03 Iges and Their la<x>yers. Discover the Ige Cache.mp430.72MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-04 Ige Tagging and Pushing to Docker Hub.mp436.15MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-05 Building Iges. The Dockerfile Basics.mp414.90MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-06 Building Iges. Running Docker Builds.mp410.65MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-07 Building Iges. Extending Official Iges.mp410.41MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-08 Assignment. Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It.mp412.63MB
  • MP404 Container Iges Where To Find Them and How To Build Them\\/04-09 Assignment Answers. Build Your Own Dockerfile and Run Containers From It.mp422.57MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-01 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data.mp413.38MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-02 Persistent Data. Data Volumes.mp423.35MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-03 Persistent Data. Bind Mounting.mp417.41MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-04 Assignment. Databa<x>se Upgrades with Named Volumes.mp411.01MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-05 Assignment Answers. Databa<x>se Upgrades with Named Volumes.mp411.00MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-06 Assignment. Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts.mp413.38MB
  • MP405 Container Lifetime. Persistent Data. Volumes Volumes Volumes\\/05-07 Assignment Answers. Edit Code Running In Containers With Bind Mounts.mp48.52MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-01 Docker Compose and The docker-compose.yml File.mp430.34MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-02 Trying Out Basic Compose Comnds.mp423.49MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-03 Assignment. Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Service.mp49.64MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-04 Assignment Answer. Build a Compose File For a Multi-Container Service.mp434.63MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-05 Adding Ige Building to Compose Files.mp428.62MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-06 Assignment. Compose For Run-Time Ige Building and Multi-Container Dev.mp411.70MB
  • MP406 king It Easier with Docker Compose The Multi-Container Tool\\/06-07 Assignment Answers. Compose For Run-Time Ige Building and Multi-Container Dev.mp431.09MB
  • MP407 Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster\\/07-01 (External) Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode Deep Dive-1. ology.mp468.75MB
  • MP407 Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster\\/07-01 (External) Docker 1.12 Swarm Mode Deep Dive-2. Orchestration.mp460.41MB
  • MP407 Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster\\/07-01 Swarm Mode. Built-In Orchestration.mp422.21MB
  • MP407 Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster\\/07-02 Create Your First Service and Scale It Locally.mp430.42MB
  • MP407 Swarm Intro and Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster\\/07-04 Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster.mp440.61MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-01 Scaling Out with Overlay Networking.mp416.11MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-02 Scaling Out with Routing Mesh.mp421.35MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-03 Assignment. Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App.mp419.41MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-04 Assignment Answer. Create A Multi-Service Multi-Node Web App.mp430.08MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-05 Swarm Stacks and Production Grade Compose.mp434.29MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-06 Secrets Storage for Swarm. Protecting Your Environment Variables.mp415.25MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-07 Using Secrets in Swarm Services.mp414.99MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-08 Using Secrets with Swarm Stacks.mp47.45MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-09 Assignment. Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy.mp46.68MB
  • MP408 Swarm Basic Features and How to Use Them In Your Workflow\\/08-10 Assignment Answers. Create A Stack with Secrets and Deploy.mp49.53MB
  • MP409 Swarm App Lifecycle\\/09-01 Using Secrets With Local Docker Compose.mp45.46MB
  • MP409 Swarm App Lifecycle\\/09-02 Full App Lifecycle. Dev Build and Deploy With a Single Compose Design.mp425.77MB
  • MP409 Swarm App Lifecycle\\/09-03 Service Updates. Changing Things In Flight.mp428.57MB
  • MP409 Swarm App Lifecycle\\/09-04 Healthchecks in Dockerfiles.mp451.24MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-01 Docker Hub. Digging Deeper.mp420.48MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-02 Docker Store. What Is It For.mp47.86MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-03 Docker Cloud. CI and CD and Server Ops.mp416.00MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-04 Understanding Docker Registry.mp413.20MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-05 Run a Private Docker Registry.mp422.56MB
  • MP410 Container Registries Ige Storage and Distribution\\/10-07 Run a Private Docker Registry.mp429.30MB
  • MP411 Extras Common Questions and Resources\\/11-03 (External) Journey to Docker Production. Evolving Your Infrastructure and Processes.mp4109.54MB
  • MP411 Extras Common Questions and Resources\\/11-04 (External) Everything You Thought You Already Knew About Orchestration.mp468.50MB
  • MP411 Extras Common Questions and Resources\\/11-05 (External) Docker Tip. docker system prune and df.mp48.72MB
  • MP411 Extras Common Questions and Resources\\/11-06 (External) Docker 17.06 Community Edition.mp424.09MB
  • 7ZFiles.7z17.45MB
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